Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

The delicious flower the night

Refreshingly the night (Polianthes tuberosa) was green plants eternal from the Agavaceae ethnic group. Oil was from this flower used in the production of perfume. The name tuberosa showed that these plants had the roots (tuber). At this time was known around 12 species from the Polianthes genus. The delicious flower the normal night blossomed tonight. This crop it was estimated came from Mexico. The Astek nation knew him by the name of omixochitl, the "bones flower". The name of this flower in India the eastern part was ratkirani, it was significant the "queen" of the "night". In Singapore this flower was named xinxiao, it was significant the "place" of the "moth alighted". In Persia, this flower was mentioned maryam, that was the common name for the daughter. This flower was also used in Hawaii to pengantin and beforehand in the Viktoria time was used as the cemetery flower. It was fragrant that this flower was depicted as the complex, exotic, sweet, and typical the flower. This crop grew through to 45 cm and produced the group of the white flower. His leaves were long and coloured light green that gathered in his stick starting point. The genus of this crop was still allied close to Manfreda.
Gardened the delicious flower the night had the good prospect. His flower yang fragrant, especially tonight, made the flower delicious the night banyak was liked. His market only was not limited in the country, but juga was exported to manca the country, like Middle East countries, Japan dan Europe. One of the locations of the delicious flower garden the night, was located in Kecamatan Pendeglang , Banten. In this territory was gotten around 10 hectare perkebunan delicious the night, some were among them managed by Ujang. To reach the location of the delicious garden the night in Banten, from Jakarta dapat went through the Jakarta toll road – the Peacock, went out in the Serang toll-gate East, the next one headed towards the Samaboa Village, the Valley, the Sukaratu Subdistrict, Pandeglang, Banten. In this land carpet, Ujang gardened the delicious flower the night, diantara the rice cultivation land. GRATING-KISI Berkebun Bunga Sedap Malam The delicious flower tree the night needed the sun rays that were enough dan good drainage, as well as the fertile land, loose and many mengandung the organic matter. Ideally, the delicious flower tree the night was planted to the land that memiliki the height 600 until 1500 metre above sea level, with suhu humid, between 13 and 27 levels celcius. His planting was carried out by taking the roots from the tree that has been old. These roots that afterwards was made the seed. One of the delicious flower expertise the night was this flower dapat was eaten. Therefore, apart from being used as the decoration and pengharum the room, the delicious flower the night could be also processed into various jenis the food product. Gardened the delicious flower the night was not difficult, because not memerlukan the maintenance that rumit. after 7 months were planted, the delicious flower malam could dipanen. The surplus gardened the delicious flower the night was compared gardened the flower potong was, the age of his tree was longer. Could remain till 3 years. Setelah dipanen, the tree will produce the new flower. So as every time rumpun the tree could blossom till several times. When his planting was arranged, the delicious flower the night could dipanen every week. Ddari this garden could be each week produced not not all that 2 ribu until 3 thousand rods of the delicious flower the night. The flower that was produced by 75 percent was sold to Jakarta, whereas 25 persen the rest of them were sold around the Banten territory. On the normal day, the delicious flower the night was sold costing 500 rupiah per the stick. However when public holidays of his price could reach 2 thousand hingga 2.500 rupiah per the stick. Gardened the delicious flower the night had the good prospect. His flower that was fragrant, especially tonight, made the flower delicious the night was often liked. His market only was not limited in the country, but also was exported to manca the country, like Middle East countries, Japan and Europe. One of the locations of the delicious flower garden the night, was located in the Pendeglang Subdistrict, Banten. In this territory was gotten around 10 hectare the delicious plantation the night, some were among them managed by Ujang. To reach the location of the delicious garden the night in Banten, from Jakarta could go through the Jakarta toll road � the Peacock, went out in the Serang toll-gate East, the next one headed towards the Samaboa Village, the Valley, the Sukaratu Subdistrict, Pandeglang, Banten.Di this land carpet, Ujang gardened the delicious flower the night, around the rice cultivation land. The delicious flower tree the night needed the sun rays that were enough and good drainage, as well as the fertile land, loose and often contained the organic matter. Ideally, the delicious flower tree the night was planted to the land that had the height 600 until 1500 metre above sea level, with the humid temperature, between 13 and 27 levels celcius. His planting was carried out by taking the roots from the tree that already tua. these roots that afterwards was made the seed. One of the delicious flower expertise the night was this flower could be eaten. Therefore, apart from being used as the decoration and air freshener, the delicious flower the night could be also processed into various kinds of the food product. Gardened the delicious flower the night was not difficult, because of not needing the maintenance that rumit. after 7 months were planted, the delicious flower the night could dipanen. The surplus gardened the delicious flower the night was compared gardened the piece flower was, the age of his tree was longer. Could remain till 3 years. After dipanen, the tree will produce the new flower. So as each group of the tree could be elated till several times. When his planting was arranged, the delicious flower the night could dipanen every week. Ddari this garden could be each week produced not not all that 2 thousand to 3 thousand rods of the delicious flower the night. The flower that was produced by 75 percent was sold to Jakarta, whereas 25 percent of the rest of them were sold around the Banten territory. On the normal day, the delicious flower the night was sold costing 500 rupiah per the stick. However when public holidays of his price could reach 2 thousand through to 2.500 rupiah per the stick .

The flower kamboja

The tropical flower of one this was quite beautiful it was considered. The bud of his flower formed rosset with the tinge of the clear colour in the middle. His flower beraroma fragrant lamat-lamat made the frangipani appear to keep the mystical attraction. Later, the frangipani was increasingly enjoyed because of containing various benefits. Many people thought the frangipani came from the Cambodian country. This assumption was wrong because evidently this crop came from the mainland American Tengah. The frangipani (Plumeria SP) was found by Charles Plumier (1646-1706), botanical from France. To remember the discoverer, the surname Charles Plumier was immortalised to the name latin this flower. Characteristically Kamboja Cambodia was very pretty as the element of the garden. Many areas of the public's garden, the office complex and the page of the house became beautiful with the presence of this flower. This noose of the crop whole was very exotic with the form of the very artistic and decorative stick. Actually, the frangipani including the crop sekulen (often contained water). His tree could survive till dozens of years and reached high 7-10 metre. His leaves were green with the vein of the clear leaves was seen. Could be counted, the frangipani could blossom year round. Moreover, in certain months the frangipani blossomed many. The stem of the flower emerged from the end of the stick, to each stem of the flower could be encountered dozens of buds of the flower. Usually, the frangipani blossomed together, but had the changing certain kind. Was easy Berkembang-biak Umumnya, the frangipani was easy to breed. Could with penyemaian the seed or the stick cutting. This crop could also grow in the plateau and low. One matter that must be paid attention to, the frangipani including the crop sekulen that often the lack of water. However, when his surplus of stick water became rotten because of the virus. The frangipani also liked the sun rays all day, so planted in the area was open. For the media planted, better use the media porus (did not tie water). For example, the garden land, rough sand and manure with the comparison 1:1:1. Poured adequate 2 times in a week. Apart from being buried in the land was open, the frangipani was also seen pretty when being buried in the pot. The pot from cement casted the big measurement most was suitable for the frangipani. Avoid the pot of plastic because humid and his drainage system was not better. In order to appear first-rate, gave NPK fertiliser every time six months very much. This crop was rarely attacked by the illness. The caterpillar and the rodent grasshopper did not like the leaves and his stick that were sticky.that often was encountered by us precisely the soft leaves resulting from the lice attack and the leaves virus. Avoid leaves wilt by maintaining the cleanliness of the media and carrying out spraying of the fungicide and insecticide periodically. treated Berbagai Penyakit Selain pretty was considered, the frangipani also kept one million benefits. White latex that was gotten throughout the crop part contained fuvoplumierin. This substance was believed could prevent the growth of the bacteria. His flower that was pretty was useful as medicine descended hot, the cough expedited the urine and defecated. The other compound, like plumerid that was met in stick skin could cure heels broke-broke. One matter that must be paid attention to, avoided frangipani latex from the mouth and the eyes. The active substance that was contained inside could make teeth fall and damage the eyes. actually adenium completely was different from the frangipani. Although still in one family, that is Apocynaceae, but had several differences that were striking among both of them. Just try to see the form of the leaves and the root between the two crops. The form adenium far more smaller compared to the frangipani leaves. The root adenium could grow like the roots and bent to left-right. This part that functioned as penyimpan water. While to the frangipani could not be encountered by the form of the root like that. From his noose then adenium and the frangipani had the visible difference. Adenium had the noose that was small through to very appropriate as the crop of the decorator of the house terrace. While the frangipani had the high and big noose so as often was used as the protective crop, beside the function of the decorator. that was the reason, I more liked to mention this crop adenium compared with the Japanese frangipani. If the person heard (the name) the frangipani usually at once is visible the crop that besar,” said the Gunawan Moon, the hobbyist at the same time the decorative plants businessman in the Atmosphere sum, Depok. While in China, adenium had the Fook Hui Hwa name that meaning that, the luck flower. And in Thailand was regarded as the flower welcome (choa chuem). The Gurun Iklim crop tropical Indonesia became the location that was suitable for the growth of this crop. In his original habitat, adenium was the crop a mother who grew wild in the area of the hot desert. This crop kept water in his root so as to be able to survive in the dry area. ”Karena could keep water, he including the crop sukulen,” Moon words, the hobbyist that later serious menekuni commercial efforts adenium. So, his term the obstinate crop. Adenium came from the area of the desert in the African mainland and the Arabian peninsula, like Senegal to Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Namibia and surrounding area. ”Dari the East African Coast until Africa Selatanlah,” mentioned the Moon. If in Arabian, spread in Oman, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Because of coming from the desert then adenium had the nickname desert Rose, desert roses. Saw the place of his origin, adenium was the crop that needed the sun rays was full, did not need much water and liked the media planted that porous - berliang fine. When the three matters were filled, it was guaranteed adenium will grow fertile. In the place of his origin, the fertile crop the height could reach around four metre. ”Dibanding the orchid, treated adenium too much was not difficult. If we forgot nyiram the orchid two-three the day could die. If adenium up until two weeks then kept not disiram,” said the owner Godongijo Nursery. The matter of fertilising and the maintenance against the pest was even easier compared with the orchid. The ease, will make the Moon be convinced in the near future will be enjoyed by the decorative plants hobbyist. ”Memang needed time and needed the quite incessant promotion, but I was sure this crop will be enjoyed. Saw the world map, tren adenium not the uniform. In Thailand, tren this crop just passed his peak period. Around three years set, adenium booming in the white elephant country. However in China, Taiwan and America the development adenium relative was the same as the condition in Indonesia. Together had the popularity graph that continued merangkak rose. Each exhibition of the exotic flora was spread out, adenium always was the collector's target. Don't be startled if a tree adenium old with the form bongkol big, his price reached Rp 50 million. Pelepas Lelah Kebanyakan the community fell in love with this crop because of beauty of the flower. J.E. Mujiono (49), the crop hobbyist admitted to being interested adenium just because of kepincut beauty of his flower. ”Bunga-flower that was put forward could give the inspiration and pelepas tired. Usually after working, I always looked around the crop collection was fruitful in the house. Including adenium this. ” Di leisure time, the father was father to two this had not been absent to go for a walk with the wife looked for the collection adenium newest. The colour and the form of the unique flower always were their consideration. Compared to the orchid, the maintenance adenium more was easy. Also his flower was varied the colour and respectively pretty. The noose adenium that resembled the crop bonsai also could steal attention of the hobbyists. It was increasingly old, the root adenium would increasingly grew like the roots. This fat root will bend to left-right until making his appearance get unique. In seedling cultivation belonging to the Moon, in fact was found by the form of the root that resembled the man's gender and the chest of the woman. Therefore by his collector, the two were called female and Male adenium. The old impression would terpancar strong when the fat root was featured went out so as the use of the pot bonsai that ceper could raise the appearance adenium. That must be paid close attention to, if wanting the big crop root, was to treat the crop in accordance with his original characteristics. The growth of this crop root will be good if the media planted that was used appropriate. Moreover the watering factor also was influential. According to Octa Sugih (29), the hobbyist adenium that also the owner ”Red Flower Nursery”, the flower adenium had the shape of the trumpet and consisted of 5 sheets petal (the flower crown). In a funnel (the trumpet) the flower was gotten the stamen. The form petal (the flower crown) very varying, there is had the shape of the star, was jagged, the tip petal was cut off until the tip that became round. Generally, the form of the flower adenium could be divided into three, that is having the shape of the star (Adenium ”Crimpson Star”), the star with the serrated bank (Adenium obesum) and round (Adenium swazicum). Beforehand even until currently the lover of the crop only knows the colour of the flower adenium pink or pink. Evidently secretly adenium in Indonesia crawled travel by and was present with various colours. Now was found or crossed by approximately 100 colours. From that was bright white, stripes to dark red with the edge of the coloured flower black. The funnel part for the varying also flower. There were those who are plain white, plain yellow, plain red and lined. Hama Agar adenium hard-working blossomed, the Moon and Octa together suggested to do pemangkasan to the crop. The stick adenium that was allowed to grow memanjang will give the disorder impression. Moreover pemangkasan the main stick could be done in accordance with our wish. If wanting the form of the rather high crop then the stick that was cut off better rather high also. Apart from the main stick, pemangkasan the branch must be also done. ”Ini the key to getting the flower adenium for a long time. Could keep until two bulan,” Moon words. By being cut, the stick or the branch will produce the new bud more than one. From the bud will emerge the flower. Pemangkasan the functioning also branch interrupted the pest life-cycle and the illness. One of the big enemies adenium was spider the myth. This animal like tungau was red, yellow young, dark green, young and black chocolate. He nested at the bottom of the leaves and the leaves armpit. When the part on the coloured leaves dull and was seen mengkerut, meaning that the crop was affected by the sign of this pest attack. At this time, often was found by the new variety adenium. The moon personally had approximately 100 varieties of the crop. ”Rekan I in America recently could the hybrid that had the fragrant flower and his colour was dark red. According to me, that of a big breakthrough. ” Apa the article? By meeting him the kind that could issue the fragrant flower and the clear colour certainly would increasingly reinforced the attraction adenium. If that is the case, who that not kepincut.

The jasmine

Jasmine was the flower crop decorated took the form of the shrub berbatang erect that lived chronic. In Indonesia, one of the jasmine kinds was made the national symbol that is white jasmine (Jasminum sambac) because his flower was connected with various bang traditions of many ethnic groups in this country. The other kind that also popular was gambir (J. officinale). In Indonesia the name of jasmine was known by the community all over the Indonesian Archipelago territory. Vernacular names for jasmine were Menuh (Bali), Meulu cut or Meulu China (Aceh), Menyuru (Banda), Jasmine (Gayo and Batak Karo), Manduru (Menado), Mundu (Bima and Sumbawa) and Manyora (Timor), as well as Malete (Madura). In Italia, jasmine casablanca (Jasminum officinalle), that was acknowledged as Spanish Jasmine was buried in 1692 to be made perfume. In 1665 in England was cultivated white jasmine (J. sambac) that was introduced by Casimo de Medici Duke. In 1919 was found J. jasmine parkeri in the region Indian Barat Laut, Kemudian was cultivated in England during 1923. The jasmine apart from being useful as the flower scattered, the mixed material or pengharum tea, jasmine was also known as the material of the perfume industry, cosmetics, perfume, the pharmacy, and the series decorator of the flower. That Was based on the data of agricultural statistics, the cultivation of the jasmine crop in the Boat territory that was spread in Kab. The stick, Kab. Pekalongan, Kab. Pemalang and Kab. The field widely the land was endless as follows; ± 140 Ha, ± 380 Ha, ± 780 Ha and ± 400 Ha, widely the total spread planting land diwilayah 4 (four) the regency as big as 1.700 Ha. The productivity in general per the day ± 25 kg per hektar So results reaped the jasmine per the day in the territory of Sapta Mitra Pantai Utara (Kab. The stick, Kab. Pekalongan, Kab. Pemalang and Kab. The field) was ± 42.500 kg or 42,5 ton. As the producer of the biggest jasmine in the north coastal territory, normal only jasmine plantations sold in the form of the luxuriant jasmine or take the form of roncean, because of not yet having the company that could produce “Minyak Jasmine (Essential Jasmine Oil) ”, not only in the territory of Sapta Mitra Pantai Utara, but until this in Indonesia did not yet have the producer of jasmine oil. That was the reason then the price of the jasmine was very fluctuating, where the harvest/reaped when his price dry season could reach Rp. 10,000.- s.d. Rp. 15,000.- per kg, but reaped at the time of the season hujuan his price only Rp. 2,500 s.d. Rp. 3,500.- per kg. After being reaped, the jasmine will be fast withered and not again fresh. However Santoso and Hidayat had the special trick to overcome this problem, so as to be able to market him down to foreign countries. Fisamawati Jasmine or the other term jasminum sambac including decorative plants that could live for years. His stick that was erect as well as had the coloured flower white cute and fragrant, often was used for various requirements. The jasmine was useful as the flower scattered, the material of the perfume industry, cosmetics, perfume, the pharmacy, the series decorator of the flower and the mixed material or pengharum tea. Jasmine could then blossom year round as well as grew fertile to the land that was loose with the height around 600 or 800 metre on sea level, provided that getting enough sun rays. Jasmine could be grown by means of the cutting. New buds then will appear after aged around 6 weeks. This condition that formed the background of Santoso to cultivate the jasmine until becoming the promising business. Began with hereditary efforts of his two parents processed the jasmine plantation in this north coastal coast, triggered Santoso and his partner Hidayat-colleague to make this plantation the business land. not many that glanced at the jasmine cultivation. The difficulty in his marketing then took part in becoming the main hindrance. As is known, the jasmine when being reaped will be fast withered even rotten. How if not the behaviour was sold? ,” said Santoso illustrated the business that was involved in by him. However this hindrance did not withdraw Santoso and Hidayat. Had a supply of educations and his experiences, duo the man succeeded in sending the flower down to the destination without experiencing damage, in fact for his customer that overseas even. “Untuk the outside marketing of the area and foreign countries, we used the package system box. The jasmine in box was given the ice cooler in order to maintains the freshness so as the condition for jasmine continue to like when just dipetik,” revealed Hidayat. With the sending system used box, currently the jasmine rules over the Singaporean country, Malaysia and several other countries. then whether the superiority with the application of the sale with box? “Melati in box this could remain in a period of three days in fact more. Afterwards special flowers box was the best quality that was chosen in a selektif,” manner clear Santoso the alumnus UPN Veteran Jogjakarta. However for the fulfilment of supplies of drink factories have material the foundation of jasmine, his quality indeed not be the same. Usually, the flower that was offered not all of them in the good condition. “Kebutuhan his characteristics factory every day for the smoothness of the process of his production. So that became the priority was the procurement of this flower so that not kosong,” more Hidayat. With the superiority of the jasmine that could the harvest a day twice that is the morning and in the afternoon, made jasmine supplies never not all that or was finished. So as the smoothness of this business need not be then doubted. “Biasa him, the condition for jasmine was influenced by the rainfall. If the rain season then the condition for jasmine jelek,” I Hidayat that diamini Santoso. Santoso then said, badly the quality of the flower had directly an impact with the price level of the sale. “Setiap his day the price of jasmine had not been stable. But usually we sold with the range of the price Rp.17.000,- above per kilogramnya,” he explained. Whereas for the sale with the sending used box, they defined the price between Rp.100 thousand and Rp. 200 thousand per box. However, the price level of the sale of the jasmine then occasionally was carried out with the auctioning system. When stock of the jasmine already a little whereas the ordering increased then was put into effect by the most expensive price. “Ketika stock diminished then the auctioning diberlakukan,” I Hidayat that was 26 years old this. With several hindrance factors in undertaking this jasmine business, they say usually the profit that was taken per kilogram him between Rp 1.000-Rp 2,000. However for the flower box, not more than 20 percent. Was interested?
The jasmine for the Health
His fragrant jasmine was typical, indeed really was liked by many people, especially the woman. However apart from fragrant his flower that tempted, jasmine also had the usefulness to help cured the illness. Plants that had the name latin Jasminum Sambac or also often disebutl Jasmine this could berkhasiat helped cured breathless, had a headache, was sick the eyes, the fever, the swelling because of the bee sting and even also could help controlled HEED that often went out excessively. His instruction was as follows: Crowded napas the Material: 20 sheets of the jasmine leaves and salt secukupnya the Instruction: this material was boiled with 3 water glasses until boiled until there remained 2 glasses and was refined. The instruction: ditempel around breasts, each morning before bathing. The swelling resulting from the leaves attack lebah the Material: 1 flower fist melati the Instruction: this material was squeezed-squeezed until halus the Instruction: ditempel in the part that was stung by the bee. Stopped ASI that went out berlebihan the Material: 1 leaves fist melati the Instruction: this material was ground halus the Instruction: ditempel around breasts, each morning before mandi .The swelling resulting from the leaves attack lebah the Material: 1 flower fist melati the Instruction: this material was squeezed-squeezed until halus the Instruction: ditempel in the part that was stung by the bee. Stopped ASI that went out berlebihan the Material: 1 leaves fist melati the Instruction: this material was ground halus the Instruction: ditempel around breasts, each morning before bathing. Be sick the eyes (the red eyes or the can) the Material: 1 leaves fist melati the Instruction: this material was ground halus the Instruction: ditempel to the forehead, if already dry was replaced just, repeated until recovered .The fever and was sick kepala the Material: 1 fist of the jasmine leaves, 10 flowers melati the Instruction: this material was squeezed-squeezed with the hands, afterwards was soaked with water in rantang. The instruction: water rendaman this was used for the compress dahi Crowded napas the Material: 20 sheets of the jasmine leaves and salt secukupnya the Instruction: this material was boiled with 3 water glasses until boiled until there remained 2 glasses and was refined. The instruction: ditempel around breasts, each morning before bathing .


Roses were the crop a mother from Rosa's genus at the same time the name of the flower that was produced this crop. Wild roses that consisted more than 100 species most grew in the northern hemisphere that berudara cool. The species of roses generally is the crop a thorny mother or the climbing crop that the height could reach 2 until 5 metre. Although rarely was met, high the roses crop that crept in the other crop could reach 20 metre. Most species had the leaves that the length between 5-15 cm, two-two contradictory (pinnate). The compound leaves that each stem of the leaves consisted of at least 3 or 5 as far as 9 or 13 leaves children and the support leaves (stipula) have the shape of oval, pertulangan menyirip, the bank bank beringgit, meruncing on the end the leaves and was thorny to the stick that was close to the land. Roses actually not the tropical crop, most species merontokkan all of his leaf and only several available species in South-East Asia that always had green leaves year roun.The flower consisted of 5 sheets of the crown leaves with Rosa's exception sericea that only had 4 sheets of the crown leaves. The colour of the flower is usually white and pink or yellow and red to several species. The ovaries was at the bottom of the crown leaves and the leaves kelopak.n big the species had the leaves that the length between 5-15 cm, two-two contradictory (pinnate). The compound leaves that each stem of the leaves consisted of at least 3 or 5 as far as 9 or 13 leaves children and the support leaves (stipula) have the shape of oval, pertulangan menyirip, the bank bank beringgit, meruncing on the end the leaves and was thorny to the stick that was close to the land. Roses actually not the tropical crop, most species merontokkan all of his leaf and only several available species in South-East Asia that always had green leaves year round. The flower produced the aggregate (developed from one flower by many putik) that was acknowledged as Rose hips. Respectively putik developing to one single (achene), whereas the collection single was wrapped meat to the exterior. The species with the flower that was open wide more invited the arrival of the bee or other insects that helped pollination so as to tend to produce more. Roses produced by breeding produced the flower that his crown leaves closed the meeting so as to cause difficulties for pollination. Some roses were red with several exceptions like Rosa pimpinellifolia that produced was purple dark through to black. To several species like Rosa canina and Rosa rugosa produced Rose hips that really was rich in vitamin C in fact including among the source of richest natural vitamin C. Rose hips was liked by the eater's birds that helped the spreading of the roses seed with the waste that was dismissed. Several birds kinds like Finch birds also ate roses seeds.

Generally roses had the thorn have the shape of like the hook that functioned as the grip when climbing other plants. Several species that grew wild in the land berpasir in the area of the coast like Rosa rugosa and Rosa pimpinellifolia adapted to the straight thorn as the needle that possibly had a function of reducing damage as a result of being eaten by the animal, kept sand that was flown the wind and protected the root of the erosion. Although being protected the thorn, deer apparently not frightened and often damaged the roses crop. Several species of roses had the thorn that did not develop and not sharply. Roses could be infected by several illnesses as leaves rust that was the illness was most serious. His cause was the Phragmidium mushroom mucronatum that caused kerontokan the leaves. The illness that was not so dangerous as Mildew Flour was caused the Sphaerotheca mushroom pannosa, whereas the Spotty Hitam illness that was marked by the very spotty emergence black to the leaves as a result of by the Diplocarpon mushroom rosae. Roses also were food for the larva of several Lepidoptera species.

The crocodile fish

rather was difficult indeed to distinguish fish kinds aligator because sepintas will appear same.... Secara the theory indeed this fish could reach long 3m, but if dipelihara in my aquarium the feeling was difficult to reach that..... The development of the fish also really was influenced by his room to move... If in the wild I the feeling of the fish aligator this can reach 3m because tempat that was inhabited by him (the river) that sanga the area.... My experience maintained this fish in akurium (60X40X40 cm)... sewaktu small, pertumbuha him (long his body) fast... after being unable to go any further with ukuran the aquarium... the growth of the length as though stopping... now was placed di the pond also the growth of the length very few, my prediction karena his place was not wider... only bada him that became fat. apparently, the measurement of the fish aligator that the length could reach 3m dan bertampang hair-raising not mengecilkan the interest hobiis to maintain him dalam the aquarium. In time still a measurement 20 through to 50 cm indeed this fish enak was seen, both his movement when catching living food and the feature tubuhnya that varied. Any condition that must be met so that he tetap lived healthy and kerasan lived in the aquarium? Along with this his method. The crocodile fish was not the same as the crocodile or aligator. Acknowledged as the crocodile fish karena his form was similar to the crocodile. In the area of his origin the crocodile fish that in sistematika was put into the family lepisosteussidae this in knew as gar fish.he the wild life in the American continent in Mississippi River waters as far as Rio Grande Del Norte that flowed into the Mexican Gulf. Known had 6 species gar fish that was found in the wild, among them spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) that his body bertotol-totol black, longnose gar that his snout sangat long, and alligator gar that was long his body could reach 300cm. karena the form variation and the different colour feature so this fish banyak was collected as the fish decorated kept in the small aquarium. The quality of water was given priority. In his original habitat the fish aligator more often was silent in the foundation sungai that was juicy shallow or in gaps of swamp plants. "Because of that untuk maintained him in the aquarium did not have the other method except copied sedapat mungkin his original habitat," said Generous, the fish trader decorated in the Rakyat Hall, Pasarminggu. The matter was united with the other not similar fish menurut Generous might his measurement origin was not too small (balanced). he memang bertampang hair-raising, and was seen cruel when catching prey berupa fish lived, but in fact he could be friendly, more Generous. So that the characteristics of the crocodile fish could be controlled, by food, the quality air the aquarium and accessories/his accessories necessary diperhatikkan. Inside akuarium could be placed the stone carpet to give the impression of being natural, as well as be installed kayu fires as the protected place. Firewood was chosen because apart from tahan the weathering also his form was beautiful and varying. Whereas to memantau the quality of water that was the important part of the life of the crocodile fish perlu was added the gauge equipment, the circulation, and the water filter. Every week the replacement of aquarium water must be carried out. His method by throwing a third of the part of aquarium water away to afterwards be replaced new water that was bent a day overnight. The replacement of water that was passed through sirkulator should be carried out little by little in order to not cause the change in the acidity of water drastically. When simultaneously was cleaned also all the contents of the filter with water that has been added by PK (Permanganan potassium), then was put in the sun to dry through to really dry. To receive results of the maximal work, the filter better be replaced after the use period 3 months. Be careful with food. Not dipungkiri,saat gave food was most beautiful moments maintained the crocodile fish. The crocodile fish that in the normal condition had the slow movement like the fish lazy at changing agile time preyed on the fish or living prawns that dicemplungkan sebagi food. In like lightning the bait fish that originally felt safe lower went home opposite the crocodile suddenly has been in the length snout.a fish aligator have a length of 20 cm dapat finished 5 - 10 prawns or the fish beukuran was in seketika to very much ate. Food that most was easy to be received and liked by the crocodile fish indeed berupa small fish lived. However that must be paid attention to, when having food tersisa immediately must be appointed/was cleaned, because faeces that the issuing bisa made fast aquarium water dirty. On the other hand when want to gave pakan in an ad manner libitum (was available for the length of time), living prawns were yang best. Apart from pleasure of the fish aligator, food took the form of the fish or living prawns tetap contained the risk. His article this food sometimes already terscemari cendawan Saprolegnia and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis ditempat penampungann him. As you know, the two illnesses that could quickly spread to the fish peliharaan that was not seen by the naked eyes. In the early stage the Saprolegnia attack and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis tidak dangerous, but when not disegera was handled as a result could be fatal. Ikan that was attacked at first only felt very itchy, so as kerap menggesek-gesekkan his body to the wall or objects in the aquarium. Further, the friction caused the scale of the fish to be freed. And the fish to liar alias stress. If the fish already stress could almost be it was confirmed passionate makannya descended, bahakn possibly did not want to eat completely and finally died. Overcame the mushroom attack kept dinin could be carried out with memberikan several Tetra Aqua Safe drops in the aquarium periodically. Tetra Aqua Safe this apart from treating the mushroom, also at the same time clearing up water. Tetapi when his attack has been serious, therapy that was carried out was with cara emindahkan the fish to the clean aquarium that was mixt Tropical Fish Medicine medicine to his water. Then let the fish several hours there, while akuarium originally dikras the total through to really dry. Selalin the Saprolegnia mushroom and the bacteria ich, usually in food terbawa the anchor worm (Lernaena cyprinaceae) and Argulus idicus that berbentuk round and coloured greenness. The two same organisms could mengganggu the health of the fish. Nah, so that was avoided from the organism yangmerugikan, biasakan the fish or prawns that just were bought for food were indirectly given kepada the aligator, but must be quarantined before dengan put him into water that was added medicine. It is hoped with penangann that was good as well as high-quality food, ikan aligator could be enjoyed by his elegance every time. Apparently, the measurement of the fish aligator that the length could reach 3m dan bertampang hair-raising not mengecilkan the interest hobiis to maintain him dalam the aquarium. In time still a measurement 20 through to 50 cm indeed this fish enak was seen, both his movement when catching living food and the feature tubuhnya that varied. Any condition that must be met so that he tetap lived healthy and kerasan lived in the aquarium? Along with this his method. The crocodile fish was not the same as the crocodile or aligator. Acknowledged as the crocodile fish karena his form was similar to the crocodile. In the area of his origin the crocodile fish that in sistematika was put into the family lepisosteussidae this in knew as gar fish. He the wild life in the American continent in Mississippi River waters as far as Rio Grande Del Norte that flowed into the Mexican Gulf. Known was 6 spesie gar fish that was found in the wild, among them spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) that his body bertotol-totol black -[yang was dikolam now his kind ini //alf]-, longnose gar that his snout was very long, and alligator gar yang long his body could reach 300cm. because of the form variation and the feature warna that differed so this fish was often collected as the fish hias kept in the small aquarium. The quality of water was given priority. In his original habitat the fish aligator more often was silent in the juicy riverbed shallow or in gaps of swamp plants. "Because of that to maintain him in the aquarium did not have the other method except for copying as well as possible his original habitat," said Generous, the fish trader decorated in the Rakyat Hall, Pasarminggu. The matter was united with the other fish that was not similar according to Generous might his measurement origin was not too small (balanced). "He indeed bertampang hair-raising, and was seen cruel when catching prey took the form of living fish, but in fact he could be friendly, more" Generous". So that the characteristics of the crocodile fish could be controlled, by food, the quality of aquarium water and accessories/his accessories necessary diperhatikkan. In the aquarium could be placed the stone carpet to give the impression of being natural, as well as be installed firewood as the protected place. Firewood was chosen because apart from keeping the weathering also his form was beautiful and varying. Whereas to monitor the quality of water that was the important part of the life of the crocodile fish must be added the gauge equipment, the circulation, and the water filter. The thermometer could be as the organiser of the temperature placed in the corner part of the aquarium. With this thermometer the temperature of water that was desired by the revolving crocodile fish 20 - 250 C could be minded by his stability. Now sirkulator better be used yang berfilter. The filter that his form like cotton and contained carbon aktir this functioned as the filter otoran and maintained kealakian water. But when the condition for water too much the alkali, then in butiran carbon bisa ditambhkan Aqua-vital had the shape of fibre until the water pH headed to acid. Except the equipment pengurkur above, was displayed the aquarium was placed pipa penyedot that the aquarium is always clean from sedapat the waste. With begitu the concern of most protracted oxygen of the volume reduction could be reduced. Perlu was known when the volume of most protracted oxygen became small will cause ikan susuh breathed.

The Pope (the mammal)

The pope was a kind of mammal that lived in the ocean. Despite in the pope's Indonesian often was acknowledged as the "whale", the pope in fact not be classed as in the fish family. Like the other mammalian animal the whale had the characteristics as follows: * breathed through lungs-paru * had the hair (a little, almost was not for the mature pope) * bloody panas * had the mammary gland. * had the heart of four bilik .The ancient whale was evolving to the middle of the Eocene time, approximately 50 million years ago. One of the popes was guarded that has extinct was Basilosaurus that had the small head bermoncong stood out and had teeth. Basilosaurus had long 25 metre. The fossil showed that the pope came from the mainland animal berku I, possibly from the animal like Mesonychid (the animal like the wolf that lived in the coastal coast) that gradually again lived in sea around 50 million years ago. It was other that the possibility of the other animal that changed to the pope, was Ambulocetus, the measuring mammal the seal, along 3 metre weighing 325 kilogram. At the time of currently, was gotten by the pope's two kinds, that is the Odontoceti whale the pope had teeth, and the Baleen whale, Mysticeti. The Odontoceti whale that had teeth was pemangsa that ate the fish, cuttlefish, and the sea mammal, had one respiratory hole. The whale balin measuring bigger than the toothed whale and had the structure that was known as balin that had the shape of the hand. this structure was useful to refine the plankton in water. The Balin whale had two respiratory holes. each year, an epic trip was done by the species of the biggest mammal in sea. They went to look for the climate was warmer that provided the perfect environment to give birth to their descendants. While the cold season in the South crack took place, whales followed the trip to north Australian coastal waters, left the area of Antarctica waters that were cold and barren. this possibly part of their life cycle, but each year thousands of people were waiting to witness scenery that was amazing from the whale and his babies that just were born. On the exact day, or possibly in the atmosphere of the exact heart, this extraordinary mammal will play a performance that was valuable enough to be waited for. As if he was carrying out the attraction. They menyeburkan and rolled slammed their body, broke through the ocean and this invited more jepretan the camera than that was carried out by the reporter during pursued selebriti.watched the performance of the whale becoming a big business in Australia. With the number of whales that was seen easily in many areas, including Stradbroke Island and Hervey Bay in Queensland, Cape Byron and the Sapfir Coast in New South Wales, Point Hicks in Victoria and Storm Bay in Tasmania. All these areas were the area that often was visited by the whale, gave many opportunities for the spectators to see their grandeur. The area of the other favourite to witness whales in part in the South and West Australian coast - Ottway Coast in Victoria, the Great Australian Bight chasm and tired Leeuwin, Shark Bay and Ningaloo in the Western Australian area.Melony Robb has wrought for five years in The Spirit of Hervey Bay, the performance company of the whale. "His measurement really amazing," he said. "Saw these whales broke through the ocean was during that most mesmerised for most spectators." He said that the existence of the overflowing of pleasure from the customer made his work be appreciated. From June to November, Anda could hope to be able to see the bent whale and the south whale all along the east coast during them went to the north in order to looks for food and the place to give birth. This bent whale is usually biggest his measurement, in general between 14 - 19 metre the length, whereas long the measurement of the South whale was between 13 - 18 metre. The killing whale (killer whale/ocra) also could be seen in the line of the tracks of the migration (the move of the place) - where they were the species of the kind that was smallest among the three of them, that is between 8 - 9.5 metre the length. September was time that really busy because was exact in the middle of the season, the explanation from Robb. "Moreover Ms and these whale babies, made everyone become enthusiastic was interested witnessing him, at first again the school holiday usually was in this period so as this was the method that was pleasant to spend time with the family." Many ships, including the ship boat The Spirit of Hervey Bay, was supplemented with window glasses in measuring water big so as the whales could be seen both above and under water. The window in water gave the best view, according to Robb, "because could make you felt you appeared to be swimming with the giant's creature." Could listen to their song voice and saw their behaviour joke was to be the interesting incident natural that might not be passed by.tiredly Byron was one of the locations of the first performance of the whale in Australia, with a band of the swimming whale was not too far from offshore. Ironically, before becoming one of the places of the performance of the most popular whale, tired Byron actually was the whaling city. Whaling was stopped in 1970 to more promoted the tourism field. This definitely became the reality, by exploding him tourists at this time, that visited to the beautiful coast to witness the whale. The performance of the whale of Byron Bay did not only ask the person to witness the whale from the distance being closer, but also gave the protection contribution for the bent whale by giving the location data and their behaviour to the organisation of the whale research. Each ship used one hidrofon to listen to the "voice of the whale song", changed the natural incident into a visual experience and auditori that was spectacular. an experience that seriously unique for the observer of the whale while the period of the migration season was the Migaloo appearance, the bent whale white that was famous in the world. Migaloo carried out the trip since 1991 and still often was seen went was not far from the East Australian coast. The school holiday in September was time that was exact to witness the whale and his babies. There were plenty of performance tours of the whale, with the revolving price between $90 the US and $130 the US, depended on the length of the tour. Most companies offered the tour a quarter of the day, part-time or a day was full of the choice including the provisions ate. Confirmed did not forget to bring a pair of telescope and the camera that was good immortalised beautiful memories.
the Pope was Biru (Balaenoptera musculus) was the sea mammal that accompanied the sub-order of Pope Balin. [2] the Length reached more than 33 metre and the mass 181 ton metric or more, this was believed became the biggest animal that was owned as long as living [3] [4] despite several discoveries of the dinosaur separately like Amphicoelias fragillimus colossal possibly the belief challenge that lasted long. long and slim, the body of Pope Biru could vary grey calm kebiruan him. [2] had at least three differences of the sub-species: B. m. musculus Atlantic north and the Pacific north, B. m. intermedia, the south Ocean and B. m. brevicauda (also was known as Pope Biru Kerdil) was found in the Hindia Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. B. m. indica was found in the Hindia Ocean, possibly to the other sub-species. Like with the pope balin other, the pattern ate him contained in a manner the subject crustacea small that was known as krill, that was equally good him with the small fish and the squid. the Pope was Biru very abundant in almost all the ocean through to entered the age 20. While popes's more than 40 years were pursued approaching the extinction with the existence of the hunting of the pope until being protected by the international community during 1966. A report in 2002 estimated was 5,000 to 12.000 Pope Biru all over the world [5] that his location was divided into at least five groups. Most researches at this time gave attention to the Stunted sub-species that possibly was supervised by the estimate. [6] before the hunting of the pope, the biggest population was in Antarctica, with the number was estimated 239,000 (reached 202,000 as far as 311,000). [7] The Rest Of Them that only a small part (around 2,000) concentrated in each Pacific group east sea, Antarctica, and the Hindia Ocean. There were two more the group in the Atlantic Ocean north and at least two in the Selatan Crack .

The fish penyu

Semarang – the Karimun Island apart from having the attraction of the sea tour, also contained the fauna wealth of sea that was counted rare. Two including being penyu the scale (Eretnochelys imbricata) and Napoleon's fish wrasse (Chelinus undulatus). As the rare animal both of them were protected by the regulation. Napoleon's fish wrasse, for example, was forbidden to be arrested was based on Agriculture Minister's Certificate of No 375/Kpts/IK.250/5/1995, on May 16 1995 about the Ban on Fishing Napoleon Wrasse. Although in the available regulation firmly has been stated that the capture might be only carried out was limited for the research activity, capture efforts of two faunas of the sea illegally continued to be carried out by the fisherman in the Karimun Island. This happened because both of them had the very high economical value. Against penyu the scale, the fisherman not only caught penyu this to be taken his meat. They in fact look for and took eggs penyu this. Meat and the egg penyu this economically quite valuable high so as the hunting increasingly the day increasingly raged. Usually, the hunting increasingly grew worse when the high wave season came around December till January. The fisherman was convinced at the time of like that many penyus the scale that ran to the land so as to be easy to be arrested. Although in the available regulation firmly has been stated that the capture might be only carried out was limited for the research activity, capture efforts of two faunas of the sea illegally continued to be carried out by the fisherman in the Karimun Island. This happened because both of them had the very high economical value. On the other hand, the extinction threat that blocked the existence penyu the scale not only came from the fishermen. It was more serious, the threat now precisely comes from his habitat personally. The existence of the felling of the mangrove forest (mangrove) that was carried out by the local farmer also to the growth threat and the development penyu the scale. Not only that, the existence of the pollutant that came from the ship that through and stopped over also threatened the existence penyu the scale in Karimun. The pollutant reduced the quality of sea water as the habitat penyu the scale. As a result, apart from his development was hindered, they also bemigrasi to safer waters. The same incident was also experienced by Napoleon's fish wrasse. The economical value that was high became the reason why the fauna of this rare sea became the hunting prima donna of the fisherman. Napoleon's fishing wrasse in Karimun in fact has alarmed at the same time endangering his growth. They have used the implement caught that was not environment-friendly that as a result not only threatened Napoleon's conservation wrasse, but rather the scope of sea there. To facilitate the capture, the fisherman used the compressor to mengempos the bomb. The use of the bomb in fact not only threatened big fish, like Napoleon wrasse. Small fish and the other sea biota like coral also will die because of poison that was produced this bomb. If coral died, other coral fish will also die. A mass murder of living creatures in sea indeed was taking place. Faced the condition, the Kelautan Service and Central Javan fisheries began to act. Through a team of the Peningkatan Project and the Development of the Kecil islands, breeding efforts have begun to be cleared. The team's two members, Ir Fendiawan and Ir Arif Rahman Justice, to SH said, his side has provided the land measuring one hectare to menangkar the two species. This land was located in the Menjangan Besar Island in the Island of Karimun Java. As the place of breeding, dilahan this will be built keramba-keramba as the residence penyu the scale and Napoleon's fish wrasse. Both of them admitted, his side rather late anticipated the extinction penyu the scale and Napoleon's fish in the Karimun Island. The project just began this coming June. According to them that happened because uptil now did not yet have the fund from the government to carry out breeding. ”Proyek this his fund came from APBD Central Java the year 2001/2002,” Fendiawan words. He said, his side currently prepares the implementation of this project with an amount of field work. Then not surprised if currently they more.To menangkar penyu the scale, said Fendiawan, his side was carrying out the approach with two local fishermen who currently try menangkar simply. The two fishermen were Joko and Aeni. Simply, both of them already menangkar six tails penyu the scale. They not only maintained the six mothers penyu this scale, but also hatched his eggs with the simple implement artificial simple. The smart step was carried out by them with knowledge provisions that were owned by them. Although both of them claimed to be the fisherman, but they were the Scholar the graduate's fisheries Undip Semarang. ”Kalau Mr Joko and Aeni uptil now menangkar penyu the scale only because of the hobby, we will increase him better again. Both through the supervision and giving of food that more baik,”kata Fendiawan. Arif was Rahman Justice will continue, in the breeding project later, both of them will be asked to gather. Because of perseverance and their experience during menangkar that the implementation uptil now was very valuable for the development of this project. Furthermore, the local fishermen will also be involved. In the breeding land the growth penyu the scale will more be guaranteed. Because apart from in the supervision, we will also give better food so as his growth of terjaga,”kata Arif. About the egg penyu, he said, although uptil now the egg penyu hatched because of nature and without the human interference, that could be done with the artificial hatching. The artificial hatching it was hoped more often will produce the child penyu (tukik) because the threat could be from nature reduced. After the egg succeeded in being hatched, afterwards some tukik will come back was released to sea. The same thing will also be done against the fish Napoleon Wrasse. Although breeding of this rare fish kind has been carried out by various sides, his success still far from that was hoped for. At least from 12 Hall projects of Budidaya Air Payau/Loka Budaya that tried to carry out breeding, not yet any that was successful well. Breeding efforts penyu the scale and Napoleon's fish wrasse in the Karimun Island in the context was wider, said Fendiawan, was to create the environment-friendly tourist attraction (ecotourism). Parallel as the tourist attraction, on the other side of conservation efforts of the environment and various available species also was carried out. (SH/Yudi wijanarko)