Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008

The Nilem fish cultivation

The fish nilem usually was cooked pepes because his measurement was not too big. This fish could be sold in the economical package.
The introduction to the Kind
The form of the fish body nilem (Osteochilus hasselti) almost like the fish Mas. The difference is, the head of the fish nilem relative smaller. To corners of his mouth, was gotten two pairs of feelers antennae. The colour of his body hijau­ grey. Back fins had 3 hard fingers and 12-18 soft fingers. Tail fins have the shape of prop up and symmetrical. Anus fins were supported oleh 3 hard fingers and 5 soft fingers. Stomach fins was supported by 1 hard finger and 8 soft fingers. Chest fins consisted of 1 hard finger and 13-15 soft fingers. The number of scales to the side scratch had 33-36 slivers. Closely the corner of the upper jaw had 2 pairs of feelers antennae. The fish nilem could reach long the body 32 cm. In West Java, the fish nilem had the popularity a little under the fish Mas. In various other areas, this fish was known as the fish lehat, regis, monto, palong, palouw, pawas, assang, or penopa. This fish was gotten in Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan, Malaysia, and Thailand. Generally, the fish nilem could be maintained to the area with the height around 150-800 m. dpl.
The Hidup habit in the wild
Nilem lived in the clear environment. Therefore, this fish could be found in rivers. 1. The habit makan Nilem was classified as the eater's fish of plants (herbivore). 2. The habit developed biak Usually, this fish will spawn on the end of the rainy season, in the area that berpasir and juicy clear. In the place of the cultivation, the fish nilem could be spawned year round by arranging the condition for the environment. C. Memilih Induk The fish nilem including the fish that was productive because could dipijahkan 3-4 times in a year. The success of spawning was really determined in the parent factor and the regulation of the spawning environment. So, the parent election of the fish nilem that will be spawned barns met the condition as follows.

The characteristics of the mother that berkualitas Female jantan His age reached 1-1.5 tahun.Berat the body around 100 g.Bila was massaged slowly to the side of the implement hole genital, the female mother will issue the coloured liquid yellowish. Jantan His stomach expanded and was felt soft when being felt. Was 8 Weight months old around 100 g. When dipijat the stomach to the side of the implement genital, the male mother will issue the liquid like milk.

Spawning in Kolam To spawn the fish in the pond, must prepare the construction of the pond, preparations for the pond, and the process of spawning. 1. The construction kolam The pond of fish spawning nilem measuring 2 m2 that terhubung with the hatching pond measuring 20 M2. The spawning pond also terhubung with the pond pendederan. The distance of the surface of water with the door to water revenue around 15 cm. 2. Preparations kolam The depth of water in the spawning pond 50 cm. While the hatching pond of the available egg was beneath it filled up water be as deep as 30-40 cm. Really the hatching pond must berpasir and free from mud in order to not disrupt the process of the hatching of the egg. Among the two ponds was installed the filter so that the mother nilem not washed away to the hatching pond. Several farmers installed the stone and buried grass kakawatan (Cynodon dactylon) to obstruct the escape of the mother to the hatching pond, but did not obstruct water that brought the egg to the hatching pond. As for the water debit that entered the pond was enlarged to stimulate parent spawning nilem. Pemijahan The fish diberok (dipuasakan) before for 3-7 days to throw the waste from inside his stomach away. Pemberokan better be carried out in the pond that was separated in order to spawning not happen that not diharapakan or 'mijah maling’.' When preparations for the spawning pond and the pond the hatching has been finished then 20 pairs of the mother were put into the spawning pond. Try to get pemasukkan the mother was done in the afternoon because nilem liked spawned tonight. Around at daybreak, usually nilem will spawn. This fish will spawn in the shallow part close to the disposal pipe of water. Eggs that were issued, then was fertilised. This egg afterwards would washed away was brought water and entered the hatching pond. After that, the morning harinya The mothers were caught and returned to the maintenance pond of their respective mother.

Spawning The fish diberok (dipuasakan) before for 3-7 days to throw the waste from inside his stomach away. Pemberokan better be carried out in the pond that was separated in order to the Hatching of the Egg and the Maintenance of the Seed not happen The egg that built up near the door to revenue of the hatching pond was levelled with the broom lidi or harrowed. When being left alone menumpuk, would many eggs that did not hatch. The hatching pond better be given daun­daun bananas to reduce the intensity of the sun rays that entered or the rain water. Five days afterwards the seed nilem could dipanen to be sold, was spread to the paddy-field, or was maintained in the pond pendederan. His capture method by accommodating the fish in the sewerage system that was installed soft cloth, then moved him in stages to hapa that was installed by using the bucket. The seed that was produced from a pair nilem measuring 100-150 g totalling 15-000-30,000 tails. F. Pendederan and the Enlargement When the seed would didederkan into the pond pendederan, then the lock that terhubung with the pond pendederan was opened. Therefore, the seed nilem.

Baby Fish the Nilem Fish: Cute but Promising

The feeling that was more deliciously piquant, was available instant and durable, became this product reason for being the certain circle favourite. Although his price was moderate expensive. “Baby fish goreng”. This whim food increasingly is enjoyed by the community, especially the middle circle above. It was proven that even more products were present in the guest plate of the menu at the hotel, the restaurant, in fact until the golf-course. “Biasa him the visitors who played golf chose baby fish fried as the friend of the rice menu liwet,” said Abdulwakhid, one of the businessmen baby fish the whim. Mentioned baby fish, because this raw material of the whim product was fish seeds that just measuring 5-7 cm. The fish that was used also could various things, one of them was the fish nilem. Muhamad Husen, Chairman Forum Nilem Priangan believed this product was more often consumed as camilan. According to him, when being packed with apik and the process of his processing terstandar, not impossible this product in the future became the typical Priangan work. That found it easy to be received in the stall and the supermarket. Konon, camilan this decorated supermarkets in various cities besar,” said Husen. The fish nilem often was chosen as the raw material, according to Wakhid, because the kind fish had many surpluses. He admitted to reading results of the research that named the fish nilem had the content of acid glutamat high. And this factor was believed in made the feeling baby fish fried from the fish nilem became more deliciously piquant, although without the increase penyedap the feeling. “Termasuk if compared with baby fish fried had standard material the fish Mas or the fish bilih,” he said half did a promotion.

Normally in Restoran-Sunda Ada Harga of this whim product was moderate high. Each ounce baby fish fried the fish nilem normally was sold with the Rp price 22,000 - Rp 24,000. It is not surprising if most lovers of this food was from the middle circle above. Wakhid then was convinced, this product market share was still being open wide, especially for the Jabodetabek territory. “Biasa him each restaurant-Sunda must provide baby fish goreng,” he said convincing. The characteristics from baby fish fried that at once could be consumed and durable, became this product reason for being the choice of the community. This together with the community's preference that increasingly tended to instant food products. Wakhid told a story, initially the business baby fish fried the fish nilem often developed in the Singaparna territory, Tasikmalaya. “Ikan nilem was the local species, often was gotten in Priangan Timur, including Tasikmalaya,” more Dayat Bastiawan, one of the researchers in the Inserted Breaker Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar Hall (BRPBAT), Sempur-Bogor that also entered to the whim business baby fish the fish nilem.

The data from Husen that also Chairman Departemen of Budidaya DPP HNSI fisheries (the Association of the Fisherman All of Indonesia), mentioned the production of the fish nilem West Java in 2005 that penetrated 13 thousand ton, 94.2% him came from Priangan.

So that the Berkualitas Menurut Dayat Product, to produce 1 kg the product baby fish fried, was needed the raw material not less than 3 kg the fish seed nilem. The price of the fish seed nilem this measurement revolved Rp 12,000 of – Rp 14.000 per kg. Cheaper compared with the price of the fish seed Mas that reached Rp 17,000 - Rp 18.000 per kg. It was same that the reason that made the processors baby fish this more chose the fish nilem as the raw material than the fish Mas. “Kualitas the product that was produced was not far berbeda,” said Dayat. The cost of the fish seed Mas, because of must compete with pembudidaya KJA, that also needed the fish seed Mas.

So that the price of the product baby fish fried the fish nilem stayed good, his demand was the quality that must be first-rate. And to baby fish fried stayed durable and high-quality good, Dayat suggested the processors paid attention to the level of the drought from the product that was produced by him. “Minyak that was obeyed in the fish must ditiriskan complete by using the implement in order to be not easy rancid, so as durable. The procedure of the implement of the oil dryer, was the same as the drying implement to the machine cuci,” said Dayat long. Alhasil, the product baby fish this could remain up until 4 months. “Jika not ditiriskan fastest only kept 1 bulan,” he continued. The form of the wok that was used then was critical for the quality of the product. Wakhid suggested, better should not use the wok that have the shape of sunken, because hot that was produced not equitable so as the product was then ripe him was not equitable. “Untuk got hot equitable, better use the wok have the shape of persegi. After the fish dicemplungkan did not need many dibolak-returned, so as his fish also not bengkok”. The process of the wok took place around 1 ½ the hour

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