Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

Teri fish

Teri fish overcame Osteoporosis Gizi.net - the Doctor", could various makes" of "calcium milk that circulated in the market overcome the lack" of "calcium, like in his advertisements." If, yes, how much glass per the day ideally that must we drank? The question emerged from participants in the Orthopaedic Highlight seminar, that was held in the Siloam Gleneagles Hospital, on Saturday (7/2). Dr Hendradi Khumarga SpBO, FICS, FAJR, that beforehand brought paper "The the diagnosis of Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis", explained not fully the advertisement was true. Because, if too many mengonsumsi milk berkalsium will influence the kidney stone. Because, to satisfy the requirement for calcium from milk, minimal every day must drink milk totalling 16 glasses. Consumption of milk that much clear was not possible to be carried out.
According to Hendradi, to prevent osteoporosis anyone needed calcium totalling 1 gram per the day. The requirement for this calcium could be received from teri fish that often were gotten in the Indonesian territory. Teri fish that uptil now more in consumption by the middle circle down, evidently was one of the sources of calcium was best for prevented pengeroposan bones. "We did not need the prestige, if that was the best source, why not we consumption," said Hendradi further. He also said, teri fish were the source of calcium that kept and was not easy protracted in water. However, because in our community had the view mengonsumsi teri fish were their indicator that economically could not, finally many that ignored him. In fact, teri fish were very good as the source of cheap calcium and found it easy to be gotten, he said.
Now Dr Endang Darmoutomo MD Ms, the nutritionist also from RS Siloam to Reform said, that was best from teri fish as the source of calcium was his bones. So not only his meat. In fact all the fish could become the source of calcium, but because of bones to the fish, apart from Teri, big and hard, then was not possible in consumption. Whereas to his bones teri fish was soft and was glad being eaten. The election to teri fish more was caused cheap and was easy to be gotten. Because, in fact milk and cheese were the source of best calcium. However, to mengonsumsi the two source kinds of this calcium his price was expensive and not everyone could get him.
He added, the source of best calcium was what was tied with protein. Bila the source of his calcium was not tied protein, he will go again out and could disrupt the kidney stone. Many materials asupan that contained calcium, but was not tied with protein. The egg, for example, the content of his calcium was received to skin. "We were not possible to consume egg skin would," he said. Whereas to prawns bones more often contained cholesterol so as not safe if being consumed by the person who suffered cholesterol. Likewise to sardines, could affect them who contracted gout because of tin of sardines contained natrium that was high enough. Hendradi added, osteoporosis was more often suffered by women. The amount in the world increasingly showed the increase, especially the woman who has been above 65 years old. The location pengeroposan that often happened to hip bones.
This osteoporosis could be it was known early with the inspection bone the mineral density (BMD) by measuring the T factor, that is in osteoporosis, the T score lower than 2.5. "If already on 2.5 of the only recuperation with the road in the operation," said Hendradi. Whereas they who were recommended for this BMD inspection were the woman post menopausal on 65 years and the woman post menopausal less than 65 years by having the risk factor. Afterwards the woman post menopausal that had experienced the fracture on the age 45 years. This osteoporosis medical treatment in part with giving of the hormone, kalsitonin, vitamin D, kalsiriol and calcium. To prevent pengeroposan to these bones was recommended mengasup calcium and vitamin D that were adequate, stopped smoked, limiting asupan alcohol and prevented in order to fall as well as protect the hip.

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