Senin, 29 Desember 2008

The Taj Mahal

The ruler Hindustan, Shah Jahan, experienced mahaduka after his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, died when giving birth to the upside down baby in the war tent. During 1632, he decreed the palace creation pualam—yang was drafted was based on the image about heaven in Al-Quran—sebagai the last tracks of his wife's body. With Isa's help, the bloody architect Persia, was increased by twenty thousand workers and hundreds of elephants, he succeeded in bringing about the Symbol of love Grandeur that was given by him the name:

The Taj Mahal. Had a background in the love and perselingkuhan, the intrigue and the civil war, Jahanara, the child Mumtaz Mahal, unfurled narrated behind the Taj Mahal creation. He told about himself who tried to bolt from “suami politik” him in order to pursue the secret sweetheart who was hidden over Taj Mahal walls. But he was afterwards trapped in the war between the older brother and his brother: Prince Dara Shikuh, a mystic that fought to make friends with Muslim and Hindu, against Aurangzeb, that was mad the throne and liked to manipulate the religion to crush opponents politiknya.Melalui narrations liris each round, this history novel would menyihir you to enter India the past, and forbidden luxury and kesyahduan Yamuna, in a performance klasik—seperti Mahabharata or one thousand Satu Malam—tentang the struggle between the love power and the space.

The Taj Mahal was a monument that was located in Agra, India. Built on Emperor's wish of Mughal Shah Jahan, the child Jahangir, as one musoleum for the wife Persianya, Arjumand Banu Begum. Arjumand was also known by the name of Mumtaz-ul-Zamani or Mumtaz Mahal. His development spent time 23 years (1630-1653) and was a masterpiece from Mughal architecture. The Taj Mahal is currently chosen again as one of the seven new world miracles of results of the choice 100 million people all over the world through the internet and the service the short message (the SMS), that was held by Swiss Foundation and was announced on July 7 2007 (07-07-07).

Shah Jahan, the emperor from the Mughal Empire had the wealth that was big for his glory period. To 1631 wives both of them died when giving birth to his daughter of Gauhara Begum, their 14th child. To recall the incident so he built the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal that was known for example the work of Indian Muslim architecture was the symbol of the eternal love and Emperor's affection Shah Jahan for his wife of Mumtaz Mahal. Initially, Shah Jahan only acknowledged the mosque as the grave of Mumtaz Mahal, but finally developed by the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal if being translated meant the 'Mahkota Palace', an expansion from the name of Mumtaz Mahal that came from Persia. Mumtaz Mahal died in the age 39 years, when giving birth to the 14th child during 1631. The death this queen made the king so sorrowful.

Before dying, Mumtaz instructed 'want to was made the grave that had not been witnessed the world beforehand to recall him'. Be Jahan afterwards mobilised 20 thousand manpower fulfilled his message of the wife. The building materials was imported from all over India and Asia middle by using 1,000 elephants. Stood the main turret be as high as 57 metre. The beautiful stones from various territories in Asia was used. The red sandstone from Fatehpur Sikri, Jasper from Punjab, jade and crystal from China, the turquoise stone from Tibet, the layer lazuli and the sapphire from Srilanka, coal and the stone kornelian from Arabian and the diamond from Panna. His floor was then made from marble that shone from Makrana, Rajasthan.

Not like the Mughal grave other, the Taj Mahal garden was in front of the grave. The Taj Mahal background was sky, so as the Taj Mahal was seen so gemerlap with the colour. The form composition and his line were then symmetrical perfect. The Taj Mahal really the symbol of the love and love.


Borobudur was the name of a Buddhist temple that was located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. The location of the temple was approximately 100 km on the south-west of Semarang and 40 km on the north-west of Yogyakarta. This temple was established by the followers of the religion Buddhist Mahayana around the 800 's Masehi in the government's period of the Syailendra dynasty.

Many theories that tried to explain the name of this temple. One of them said that this name the possibility came from Sambharabhudhara words, that is meaning that the "mountain" (bhudara) where in his slopes was located terraces. Moreover was gotten by several etymologies of the other people. For example Borobudur words came from the statement "Buddha" that because of the shift in the sound became Borobudur. The other explanation was that this name came from two "ember" words and "beduhur". Ember words were it seems coming from temple words, while having also the other explanation where the ember came from the Sansekerta language that meaning that the temple complex or the monastery and beduhur meaning that is "high", or warned in Balinese that was significant "above". So his intention was a monastery or the barracks that was in the high land. The historian J.G. de Casparis in his dissertation to get the degree of the doctor in 1950 believed that Borobudur was the place of the worship. Was based on the Karangtengah inscription and Kahulunan, Casparis estimated, the Borobudur founder was the king from the Syailendra dynasty named Samaratungga around 824 of M. Bangunan the giant could be just completed in his daughter's period, Queen Pramudawardhani. The Borobudur development it was estimated took up time semicentenially.
The Borobudur structure

The Borobudur temple have the shape of punden berundak, that consisted of six levels have the shape of lay alongside the cage, three levels have the shape of round coiled and a main stupa as his peak. Moreover was spread in all level-stage him several stupas. Borobudur that had ten stages depicted clearly philosophy mazhab Mahayana. like a book, Borobudur depicted ten Bodhisattva stages that must be passed through to achieve perfection to Buddha. The part foot Borobudur symbolised Kamadhatu, that is the world that still was controlled by kama or the "low desire". This part most were closed by the heap of the stone that it was suspected was made reinforce the construction of the temple. In the part that was closed the structure of this addition was gotten 120 the panel the Kammawibhangga story. Structure of the addition was set aside so as the person could be still seeing relief in this part.

Four floors with the wall berelief above by the experts was named Rupadhatu. His floor have the shape of persegi. Rupadhatu was the world that could have released itself from the desire, but still was tied by the form and the form. This stage symbolised nature between that is, between low and natural nature upper. In this Rupadhatu part Buddhist statues was received to wall holes above ballustrade or selasar. From the fifth floor to his seven walls not berelief. This stage was named Arupadhatu (that meant to take the form of or be not concrete). The floor plan had the shape of the circle. This stage symbolised upper nature, where humankind has been free from all the wishes and the association of the form and the form, but did not yet achieve nirvana. Buddhist statues were placed in the stupa that was closed hollow like in imprisonment. From outside the statues still appeared very vague.

The highest stage that depicted the lack of the shape was demonstrated took the form of the most big and highest stupa. The stupa was depicted plain without holes. In this biggest stupa had been found the Buddhist statue that was imperfect or was mentioned also unfinished Buddha, that disalahsangkakan as the Adibuddha statue, in fact through the research further had not had the statue to the main stupa, the statue that was not finished that was his sculptor's mistake in the time dahulu. according to the statue belief that was wrong in the process of his production indeed to be able to not be damaged. The excavation of archeology that was carried out in the page of this temple found many statues like this. In the past, several Buddhist statues were with 30 stones with relief, two lion statues, several stones had the shape of time, the ladder and the gate was sent to Thai King, Chulalongkorn that visited the Dutch East Indies (currently Indonesia) during 1896 as the gift from the Dutch East Indies government at that point.

The highest stage that depicted the lack of the shape was demonstrated took the form of the most big and highest stupa. The stupa was depicted plain without holes. In this biggest stupa had been found the Buddhist statue that was imperfect or was mentioned also unfinished Buddha, that disalahsangkakan as the Adibuddha statue, in fact through the research further had not had the statue to the main stupa, the statue that was not finished that was his sculptor's mistake in the time dahulu. according to the statue belief that was wrong in the process of his production indeed to be able to not be damaged. The excavation of archeology that was carried out in the page of this temple found many statues like this. In the past, several Buddhist statues were with 30 stones with relief, two lion statues, several stones had the shape of time, the ladder and the gate was sent to Thai King, Chulalongkorn that visited the Dutch East Indies (currently Indonesia) during 1896 as the gift from the Dutch East Indies government at that point.

In each stage was carved by relief to the wall of the temple. These relief were read in accordance with the direction of the hour needle or were mentioned mapradaksina in the language Javanese Kuna that came from the Sansekerta language daksina that meaning that is east. These relief of various contents he said, including relief related jātaka. This reading of relief stories was always begun, and ended to the main gate of the east side in each one of his levels, began him on the left and ended on the right of the main gate. Then obviously that next east was the ladder rose that actually (main) and headed the peak of the temple, this means that the temple appear before to the east despite other sides really similar .
In accordance with the symbolic meaning in foot the temple, relief that decorated the wall of this veiled shelf depicted the law karma. The row of this relief not was the series story (serial), but to each picture depicted a story that had the cause and effect correlation. This relief not only gave the picture of the action was condemned by humankind was accompanied with the punishment that will be received by him, but also the good action humankind and the reward. On the whole was the drafting of the life of humankind in the circle was born - lived - died (the misery) that had not ended, and by the Buddhist religion this chain that will be ended to head perfection.
Was the drafting of the story Buddha in the row of relief (but not was the complete story) that was begun from the fall Buddha from Tusita heaven, and ended with first advice in the Rusa Garden close to the Banaras city. This relief lined up from the ladder to the next side south, after melampui the row of relief totalling 27 pictures that were begun from the ladder of the east side. The 27 pictures depicted the activity, both in heaven and in the world, as preparations to welcome the attendance of the last incarnation Bodhisattwa as the candidate Buddha. This relief depicted the birth Buddha in arcapada this as Prince Siddhartha, Putra King Suddhodana and the Maya Queen from the Kapilawastu Country. This relief numbering 120 pictures, that ended with first advice, that symbolically was stated as Pemutaran Roda Dharma, the teaching Buddha in mentioned dharma that also meant the "law", whereas dharma was demonstrated as the wheel.
Jataka and Awadana
Jataka was the story about Buddha before being born as Prince Siddharta. His contents was the subject of the good action exposure, that distinguished Bodhisattwa from any other creature also. Actually, the service collection/the good action was the preparations stage in an effort to head ketingkat to-Buddhist-an. Whereas Awadana, basically almost was the same as Jataka but his perpetrators not Bodhisattwa, but the other person and he said was assembled in the Diwyawadana book that meant the noble action kedewaan, and the Awadanasataka book or one hundred Awadana stories. In Borobudur temple relief jataka and awadana, was treated same, meaning that both of them were met in the row that was same without being distinguished. The association that was most famous from the life Bodhisattwa was Jatakamala or untaian the Jataka story, the work of the poet Aryasura and jang lived in the 4th Masehi age.
Was the row of relief decorated the wall of the path to-2,adalah the Sudhana story that roamed without knew tired in an effort to him looked for Tertinggi Knowledge about the Sejati Truth by Sudhana. His drafting was in 460 pictures based on the holy scripture Buddhist Mahayana that was entitled Gandawyuha, and for his cover part was based on the other book story that is Bhadracari.
Borobudur, Candi Buddha Terbesar in the 9th Age

Who did not know the Borobudur Temple? This Buddhist temple had 1460 relief and 504 Buddhist stupas in his complex. Millions of people mendamba to visit the building that including in World Wonder Heritages this. It is not surprising, because in an arsitektural manner and his function as the place of religious duties, Borobudur quite enticing. Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of the kingdom Mataram Kuno, the descendants of the Syailendra Dynasty. Was based on the Kayumwungan inscription, a Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya said that Borobudur was a place of religious duties that were finished was built on May 26 824, almost one hundred years were since the beginning period developed. The Borobudur name personally according to several significant people of a mountain that berteras-terrace (budhara), while several that were other said Borobudur meant the monastery that was located in the high place.

The Borobudur building have the shape of punden berundak consisted of 10 levels. The height 42 metre before being renovated and 34,5 metre after being renovated because the level was lowest was used as penahan. Six levels were lowest have the shape of lay alongside the cage and three levels above had the shape of the circle and one highest level that took the form of the Buddhist stupa that appear before to the west. Each stage symbolised the life stage of humankind. Appropriate mahzab Buddhist Mahayana, anyone who wanted to achieve the level as Buddha must through each life stage. The Borobudur basic part, was acknowledged as Kamadhatu, symbolised humankind that still was tied by the desire. Four levels were above acknowledged as Rupadhatu symbolised humankind that could release itself from the desire but still was tied by the form and the form. In this level, the Buddhist statue was placed was open. Now, three levels above where Buddha was placed in the hollow stupa was acknowledged as Arupadhatu, symbolised humankind that was freest from the desire, the form, and the form. The part was highest that was acknowledged as Arupa symbolised nirvana, the Buddhist place.
Each stage had beautiful relief that showed how skilled his manufacturer. The relief will be read harmoniously when you walked a direction of the hour needle (the left direction from the temple entrance). In his relief of Borobudur told about a story that really melege you, that is Ramayana. Moreover, was gotten also by relief that depicted the condition for the community at that time. For example, relief about the activity of the farmer that reflected about the progress of the agricultural system at that time and sailing ship relief was the representation from the progress of the voyage that at that time concentrated in Bergotta (Semarang). The available relief whole in the Borobudur temple reflected the teaching Buddha. Because of this, this temple could be made the edication media for people who wanted to study the Buddhist teaching. YogYES asked you to surround each crowded path in Borobudur in order to be able to understand Buddhist religious philosophy. Atisha, a Buddhist from India in the age to 10, had visited to the temple that was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 centuries before the Agung Cathedral in Europe .The blessing visited Borobudur and had a supply of the texts of the Buddhist teaching from Serlingpa (one of the kings of the Sriwijaya Kingdom), Atisha could develop the Buddhist teaching. He became the head of the Vikramasila monastery and taught Tibetans about the method of practising Dharma. Six texts from Serlingpa then diringkas became a core of the teaching was acknowledged as "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or that more was known by the name of Bodhipathapradipa. One of the questions that currently is not yet answered about Borobudur was how the condition around the temple when being built and why the temple was found in the situation was buried. Several said Borobudur initially stood was orbited the swamp afterwards was hidden because of the Merapi eruption. Really him was the Kalkutta inscription was inscribed with 'Amawa' meant the milk ocean. The words that afterwards was interpreted as the Merapi mudflow. Several that were other said Borobudur was stockpiled the cold Merapi mudflow. The blessing visited Borobudur and had a supply of the texts of the Buddhist teaching from Serlingpa (one of the kings of the Sriwijaya Kingdom), Atisha could develop the Buddhist teaching. He became the head of the Vikramasila monastery and taught Tibetans about the method of practising Dharma. Six texts from Serlingpa then diringkas became a core of the teaching was acknowledged as "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or that more was known by the name of Bodhipathapradipa. One of the questions that currently is not yet answered about Borobudur was how the condition around the temple when being built and why the temple was found in the situation was buried. Several said Borobudur initially stood was orbited the swamp afterwards was hidden because of the Merapi eruption. Really him was the Kalkutta inscription was inscribed with 'Amawa' meant the milk ocean. The words that afterwards was interpreted as the Merapi mudflow. Several that were other said Borobudur was stockpiled the cold Merapi mudflow.

The history And the Documentation of the Eiffel Tower

Built in the Exhibition week of the World and celebration of the French Revolution, the tower with the flying flag in his peak was declared on March 31 1889. Despite the criticism and the protest that were hard from the Paris inhabitants and the intellectual's circle while being built, the framework of this iron became the symbol of the Paris city and attracted more than 6 million visitors every year.

Chief Proyek: Mr Gustave Eiffel was helped by, in part, the engineers Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier as well as Stephen Sauvestre as the architect. The project plan was begun in 1884. Despite all the obstacles above, pembanguan the tower was begun during 1887 and was finished 26 months afterwards during 1889. Was planned this tower will be demolished after the occurence of the Exhibition week of the World 1900. But, the trial was successful from the transmission of radio that was controlled by Armed Forces France before the restoration day finally had rescued the Eiffel tower .The material that was used: the Steel was connected in the form of the conflict from 18,038 seeds that were reinforced with 2,500,000 nails. The framework from the work of Mr Gustave Eiffel this kept the wind and although his material from the iron, heavy the tower only 7.300 ton. High: from the land to the flagpole, the height 312.27 metre during 1889, now 324 metre with his antennae. At this time, various French television companies installed their antennae in the peak of the Eiffel Tower. Owned by the Paris Regional Government and managed by the private company, "Société Nouvelle de l'Exploitation de La the Eiffel tour", the framework of this iron was renovated every time 7 years very much and was painted with 50 ton the paint. His renovation was wrought on processed the worker that manguasai sport alpinis and akrobatis. Information: this "Besi Girl was" lit" with 352 projectors 1,000 watts and blinked every time sengah the hour tonight with 20,000 light bulbs and 800 disco lights. To make the tower apparently more lived, 4 lights of the xenon laser that had the force of 6,000 watts proceeded permanently in the peak of the tower. The number of ladders: 1,665 ladders for the happy visitor sport. There were 2 lifts that rose to the level of two where could be found various souvenir shops. The Eiffel tower was actually built as the gate of l’Exposition Universelle 1889, one of World’s Fair that coincided with 100 French revolutionary years. Built from 1887, this tower was declared on March 31 1889 and was opened for the public on May 6 in the same year. His execution that was very dangerous the reason for the structure of the building personally that finally could have been overcome by Eiffel and only claimed casualties 1 person. I to the Eifel Tower in the afternoon and did not rise the lift kelantai the middle because of being seen by me queued him was long enough. This tower was located ditempat that was enough to be open so as to be able to broadcast elegance that was exotic around the modern building.If you received the containing e-mail the photograph of the giant's caterpillar that was climbing the Eifel Tower, carefully, you possibly was infected by worm Win32.Brontok.O. Worm that circulated at the beginning of this August had several names of the alias, among them W32.Rontokbro@mm and Win32/Pazetus.C. Worm Brontok spread by using Indonesian and England. This could be seen from subject and the contents of the e-mail that was entitled "Liburanku in Bali" or "My Photo ounce Paris". In file attachment him that had a name "Picture.Zip", worm that already arrived to this O variant containing file View-Picture.bat and Picture.bmp. File this picture in fact was file that contained the Trojan Downloader code that will connect the computer user by one website certain to men-download the execution program worm Win32.Brontok.O. In his action, Brontok will deactivate several programs antivirus and changed the contents file HOST to stop the process up-date regular. To be on the alert in order to be not detected by the program anti the virus, Brontok would meng-install himself to registry and changed file that was infected with file clean other. Moreover, he also had the capacity for the log in to website certain and men-download more malware. So, casualties's computer will be filled by many trojan and continued to try to deactivate the program anti the virus that still was active. After succeeding in infecting a computer, he will use the identity of this e-mail to send himself together 'picture.bmp' to all contact available inside address book casualties.

The Big China wall

The Besar China wall (the Great Wall of China) was announced as one of the seven new world miracles. Six other world miracles that is the Taj Mahal in India, Petra in Jordan, Patung Crist Redeemer in Brazil, Machu Picchu in Peru, Pyramida Chichen Itza in Brazil, and Colosseum in Italia. The determination of the status of seven new miracles the world was the choice from 100 million people all over the world through the site of the internet and the short message (the SMS) the telephone selular, that was held by Swiss Foundation, a foundation of not-for-profit private enterprise. The announcement of seven world miracles was read out by the English actor, Ben Kingsley, and the US actress of Hillary Swank, as the master of ceremonies in the determination agenda in the Stage of Light, Lisabon, Portugal, on Sunday (8/7).

The history

The Besar China wall or the Wall of the Giant China, also was known in China (Tiongkok) by the name of the Wall of the Giant along 10,000 Li, was the longest building that had been made by humankind, was located in the Rakyat Republic Tiongkok. The length was 6.350 kilometre and the height 8 metre. It was wide that his upper part 5 m., whereas wide his underside 8 m.. Every time 180-270 m. was made a kind of reconnaissance tower. High this reconnaissance tower 11-12 m.. To make the wall of this giant, be needed by time hundreds of years in the time of various emperors. It seems, thousands of people were killed in the process of his production. Originally, was estimated by Qin Shi-huang that began the development of the wall, but according to the research and the note of history literature, the wall was made before the Qin Dynasty stood, to be precise was built the first time in the Negara Berperang time. Qin Shi-huang Emperor continued the development and the strengthening of the wall that was built beforehand.

Sepeninggal Qin Shi-huang, the production of this wall could be stopped and just was continued again in the Sui Dynasty time, finally was continued again in the Ming Dynasty time. The form of the Wall of the Giant who now is seen by us was results of the development of the Ming time. The wall interior contained the land that was mixed with bricks and the stones. His upper part was made the main road for Tiongkok cavalry. The big China wall it was considered as one of the seven Keajaiban Dunia.
The symbol of the China Nation

China was a country that had the long history, sparkling culture, and was rich in tourist attractions. At least 29 nature inheritances and the inheritance of the world culture were in China. That showed intelligence and the people's diligence China. The number of available world inheritances in China occupied the 3rd place in the world. The Besar wall or Great Wall China was regarded as some between "7 world miracles". The Besar China wall was projek the defence of the ancient time military that his production period was longest and his project was biggest in the world.

The Besar Tiongkok wall that was called as one of the "7 world miracles" were the defence project of the old time military that took up development time was longest and on a scale biggest in the world. The Besar wall that was grand melintang from the west to the east of Tiongkok along 7000 kilometre more.

The history of the development of the Besar Tiongkok Wall could be traced up until the 9th age before Masehi. At that time, the government in the Tiongkok middle connected the fortress and the lighthouse that were the troops's guard post in the border to one long wall in order to ward off ethnic groups's attack from the north of Tiongkok. To the Chunqiu Period and Berperang countries, the battle raged among countries kepangeranan that was in confrontation with each other. The countries for the sake of his defence personally were endless built the big wall on the hill and the mountain that were located in the area of the border. In the year 221 before Masehi, Emperor Qinshihuang united Tiongkok. After that, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered so that walls that were built by various countries kepangeranan that was connected to one big wall as the bunker to ward off the attack of troops of ethnic cavalry nomadik in the Monggolia meadow the Tiongkok northern part. The Besar wall at that time the length reached 5000 kilometre more.

The Besar wall to Dinasi Han after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty was extended until 10 thousand kilometre more. In the history during 2000 years ago, the ruler in various times had not stopped building the Besar Wall so as long the total of them reached 50 thousand kilometre, that was enough to orbit the earth of one time more. The Besar wall that we mentioned now most are the big wall that was built in the Ming Dynasty that had the power between the year 1368 and 1644. His west tip was based from the Jiayu Fortress in the Gansu Tiongkok Barat Province and the east tip him was located at the edge of the Yalu Provinsi Liaoning Tiongkok Timur Laut River after beyond 9 provinces, the city and the autonomous area along 7300 kilometre, or was the same as 14 thousand li Tiongkok. Therefore, the Besar Wall was acknowledged as the "long wall 10 thousand li" in Tiongkok. As the bunker, the Besar Wall was built by joining the running of the peak of mountains. The topography that was passed by him very complicated, in part, gurung sand, the meadow and the swamp. To adjust to various topographies, the development executive of the Besar Wall applied the extraordinary and different structure. Kesemua this showed the ancestors's intelligence of the Tionghoa nation. The Besar wall that was winding mamanjang followed the peak of mountains was almost impossible was conquered by the enemy in the old time because of the mountain and the slope that became the foundation of the wall.The Tembok Besar body is usually built with the big stone associated with the land and the fragment stone. The height approximately 10 metre and the width approximately 5 metre, that is for 4 proceeding horses adjacent enough. Therefore, really was easy for the troops's manoeuvre and the transport of the foodstuff and the weapon. On the inside of the wall was built the door and the ladder to rise descended. The Besar wall was connected with the fortress or the lighthouse of each sector, where being kept the weapon and the foodstuff. The fortress and the lighthouse were used as the place of the rest for the soldier when peace and at the same time being the bunker to ward off the enemy's attack when waging war. Moreover, like that was learnt the occurrence of the enemy's aggression, in the lighthouse will be lit fire when the night and the smoke during the day so as the news can about the enemy's attack be spread all through the country in the near future. In the important sector of the Besar Wall, for example the strategic tracks,The mountain pass and the border of the mountain with sea usually are built the big gate attic. The gate attics did not only look grand, but also reflected sparkling architecture art the old Tiongkok time. Now some gate attics changed to the tourist attraction, for example the Gerbang Shanhaiguan Attic on the end east the Besar Wall that was called as the attic of the number gate of one Tiongkok and the Gerbang Juyongguan Attic the sector of Badaling Tembok Besar around Beijing. The function of the Besar Wall as the military bunker now already was not again, but beauty of his architecture stayed very astonishing. Beauty of the Besar Wall was reflected in the glory, the strength and his greatness. Looked from the place far to the Besar Wall, the big wall high that memanjang for thousands kilometre that appeared similar the dragon mahabesar that menggeliang-geliut followed mountains; if being seen from the short distance, then the wall was full of the attraction of art with his architecture that various styles. The Besar wall was results of exertion that was wetted sweat and blood as well as was thought about by the people's Tiongkok intelligence in the old time. How heavy is the development project of the Besar Wall in the old time that still was low the productive power indeed was difficult to be imagined.