Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

The Kediri kingdom

the Pada legend the year 1019 - 1042 East Java kingdoms diperintah by a Putera from results of the marriage between the Mahandradata Daughter and Udayana (a Balinese Prince) that was named Airlangga, when the Airlangga government, the country's peaceful situation, the security was guaranteed, and the country experienced the fast progress. Because the king Airlangga had 2 sons, then at the end really his government he gaze at must divide the kingdom into two parts to be handed over to Putra's two him, so that dikemudian the day did not happen the struggle for the throne. the distribution happened in the year 1042, that is becoming the Daha kingdom (Kediri) and the Jenggala Kingdom. The Jenggala kingdom that stood in the year 1024 were located in the area of the Brantas delta, that is covering the north coast all of them, therefore controlled ports and the estuary of the big river, whereas his capital was around the Gedangan Subdistrict now. It is another matter with the Kediri Kingdom, did not have the port one also so as although results of agriculture in Kediri were very big and the tribute flowed with very big, all of them all that could not be traded in because the Kediri kingdom was closed from sea as the trade road at that time.

So in the area of the Brantas Delta beforehand in around between the year 1042 - 1045/1960 once had stood suata the kingdom that is the Jenggala kingdom. That could be proven that when the Sidoarjo Regency his government's composition was divided into several kawedanan (the district), evidently the names kawedanan this still used the names that were used in the Jenggala royal period, for example: Jenggala I,Jenggala Ii, Rawapulo I, Rawapulo Ii, et cetera. These names were lost in approximately in 1902.

originally, to be precise during 1851 the Sidoarjo area was named Sidokare, part of the Surabaya regency. The Sidokare area was led by a person patih was named R. Ng. Djojohardjo, lived in the village of Pucang Anom that dibatu by a district chief that is Good Ranuwiryo that resided in the Pangabahan village. During 1859, was based on the Decision of the Dutch East Indies Government no. 9/1859 on January 31 1859 Staatsblad No. 6, the area of the Surabaya Regency was divided into two parts that is the Surabaya Regency and the Regency Sidokare.Dengan was like this the Sidokare Regency no longer becomes the area part of the Surabaya Regency and since then began to be appointed by a Regent utuk led the Sidokare Regency that is R. Notopuro (R.T.P Tjokronegoro) came from Kasepuhan, the son R.A.P Tjokronegoro Regent Surabaya, and lived in the Pandean village (next south the Long Market now), he medirikan the mosque in Pekauman (the Abror mosque now, while wave-pestle him at that time was the Lama Market. In 1859 same, by being based on the Instruction on the Dutch East Indies Government of No. 10/1859 on May 28 1859 Staatsblad. 1859 names of the Sidokare Regency were replaced with the Sidoarjo Regency. Therefore was able to be said that officially the formation of the Area of the Sidoarjo Regency was tangal on May 28 1859 and as Regent I was R.Notopuro (R.T.P Tjokronegoro) Originally the Regency house in the area of the Pandean village, afterwards because something then Regent Tjokronegoro I was moved to the Pucang Village (Wates). Here he built the Jamik mosque that was this current (the Agung mosque), but still in the form of that was very simple, while on the west was made the Pendem cemetery (Beautiful). During 1862, he died after suffered was sick, and was buried in the Pendem cemetery (Beautiful). As his substitute during 1863 was appointed by the older brother alnarhum as Sidoarjo Regent, that is Regent R.T.A.A Tjokronegoro Ii (Kanjeng Djimat Djokomono), pindahan from Lamongan. In Regent's government's period of Tjokronegoro Ii this the development - the development received attention was very big in part, continued the development of the Jamik mosque that still was very simple, the improvement against the Pendem cemetery, by that was developed also the Magersari Village one West Kabupaten, that afterwards was placed there Madurese. During 1883 Regent Tjokronegoro got the pension, that not long afterwards in his same year died, was buried in the cemetery of Botoputih Surabaya. As his substitute was appointed by R.P Sumodiredjo pindahan from Tulungagung but only went 3 months because of dying in the same year and being buried in the Pendem cemetery. Further in tahun1883 that was appointed by R.A.A.T. Tjondronegoro I this was able to be recorded as follows: Dalam Bidang Pembangunan o the Finishing of the Jamik mosque that was built by the Regents previous that is widened and beautified with the marble fitting. This development was begun the Jum'at Kliwon day the date 26 Muharrom 1313 H, coincided with the Wawu year 1825 and on July 19 1895. For the cemetery of the Regents as well as his family, the village chiefs and all ahlul the mosque was maintained in the yard of the Jamik mosque (like that is witnessed by us now) * Dalam Bidang pemerintahan o the Pemerintahan Composition (Hierarchie) at that time in the Sidoarjo Regency was divided into 6 Kawedanan (the District) that is: 1. Kawedanan Gedangan 2. Kawedanan Sidoarjo 3. Kawedanan Krian 4. Kawedanan the Jenggolo Garden 5. Kawedanan Porong Jenggolo 6. Kawedanan Bulang These Kawedanan names evidently still used the names when the Jenggal Kingdom beforehand. Really Pedudukan Japan (on March 8 1942 - on August 15 1945) As also areas in Indonesia, from March 8 1942 the area of the Brantas Delta was supervised by the authority of the Government of the Japanese Military. When the Japanese occupation, that became Sidoarjo Regent was continue to Regent R.A.A. Sujadi. The Japanese government really militeristik so as not a little of the leaders and Jakarta's Village Police who it was considered blocked the Japanese Government to casualties Kempetai. Everywhere was formed by Seinendan and Keibondan and (as the servant police), as far as villages was isolated.

the Republic of Indonesia government. As being recorded on August 15 1945, Japan surrendered to the Ally, at that time was time that as well as possible for the Indonesian Nation to run away from the colonisation shackle, everywhere in the Republic of Indonesia area was formed various bodies or the association that were national. At that time that had the power in the area of the Brantas Delta to be Kaigun (the Sea of Japan troops) that willingly handed over his weapon to our young men. The armed bodies began to be formed by the name of B.K.R and P.T.K.R. Diantara these armed bodies that most had the power didaerah we at that time were P.T.K.R. was supervised headed by Mayor Sabarudin. Murders were undertaken against them who were suspected as the enemy's spy. Because of his action that melampui the limit then by the management side that tertingggi was deemed necessary to disarm the P.T.K.R. weapon available was supervised headed by this Sabarudin. Finally the Sabarudin authority dkk. could be paralysed.

the beginning in March the Netherlands began to be active with his efforts to occupy again our area. Dutch time occupied Gedangan, Pemerintah gaze at must move the centre of the Government of the Sidoarjo Regency to Porong. But still had officials who were assigned to continue to live in the Sidoarjo city as the representative from the Government. Afterwards in the Temple in the form of the Gabungan Post as the defence. At that time derah Dungus (the Sukodono Subdistrict) became the area of the struggle with the Netherlands. On December 24 1946, the Netherlands began to attack the Sidoarjo city with the attack was undertaken from the Tulangan route. Then on that day also the Sidoarjo Area fell ketangan the Netherlands. The government of the Sidoarjo Regency was moved again to the Jombang area. And from that time the Sidoarjo Area was supervised by the Recomba government that walked to 1949. after the East Java country was formed, the Brantas area entered the area of this Doll. At that time Regent R.I was: K. Ng. Soebekti Poespanoto. R. Soeharto. On December 27 1949, the Netherlands hand over came back to the Republic of Indonesia Government, then at that time also the Area of the Brantas Delta automatically became the Republic of Indonesia area. Not long after the re-surrender of the Sovereignty to the Republic of Indonesia Government, was based on regulations of No. 22/1948, R. Soeriadi Kertosoeprojo was appointed to the Regent/the District Head in the Sidoarjo Regency. Many difficulties that were dealt with by the Government of the Sidoarjo Regency that was new. Particularly because the Area of the Brantas Delta was the area of the connector between the Surabaya city and the area pedalamanan. As being learnt by us the Surabaya city was including the city that was biggest in Asian Tengara, so as to not escape from intaian foreign countries that wanted to spread his ideology didaerah Indonesia. Because of that the Sidoarjo area also faced all the infiltration sorts, especially from the side that did not like the Republic of Indonesia existence.

Kekacuauan- kekacuauan began to emerge again in areas. Kekacuauan- kekacuauan that especially being caused from the follower's Dutch efforts that did not want to submit was supervised by the Republic of Indonesia Government. Around the agitators was the agitator who was led by the former Tromposari village Village Head (the Jabon Subdistrict) that is the Sidjono Priest alias the Owner. Inside undertook the disorder, the Owner tried that the other village heads help him. Not few village administrations and the other Village Head who became the Owner's implement. The weapon that was used by them evidently second-hand belonging to KNIL. Daerah of his authority was the area of the triangle: Gempol - Bangil - Pandaan, and the area of the Regency completely entered the area of his operation. Owing to the existence of the Jakarta's Village Police co-operation, Polisi and the Troops, then approximately mid May 1951, the disorder began to be able to be calmed, the Owner was arrested in the Bangil area on May 12 1951. Operations were everywhere undertaken continued, and just at the start of August 1951 keadaaan in the area of the Brantas Delta could be it was said safe and restrained. The government gradually ran smoothly again arrived at corners of the village.

The kingdom tarumanegara

Tarumanagara or the Taruma Kingdom was a kingdom that had had the power in the regional territory of the Cisadane current and Ciliwung in the 4th age till the 7th M. Taruma age to be one of the eldest kingdoms in the Indonesian Archipelago that left the history note. In the history note and the legacy of the artefact around the location of the kingdom, was seen that at the time the Taruma Kingdom was the Hindu kingdom followed Wisnu.
The history note of the Javanese Island that was marked by the inscription or news from the trader China and India, ditengarahi by several centres of civilisation. From the west took the form of the story about Salakanagara afterwards it was continued the inscription about Tarumanegara, the middle the story was about Kalingga continued with Mataram Kuno, and the Kanjuruhan inscription that it was continued by the Medang Kingdom. Salakanagara, was based on the Text of the Book of Rajyarajya i Bhumi Indonesian Archipelago (that was compiled by a committee with his chairman of Prince Wangsakerta) was estimated was the kingdom was earliest available in the Indonesian Archipelago. The leading figure of early that had the power here to be the Tirem Battery. It seems, this city that was acknowledged as Argyre by Ptolemeus in the year 150, was located in the area of the Lada Pandeglang Gulf. The King was first Salakanagara was named Dewawarman that came from India. He at first became his country's envoy (India) in the Javanese Island. Afterwards Dewawarman became the son-in-law the Tirem Battery or Aki Luhurmulya. His wife or the child the Tirem Battery named Pohaci Larasati. When becoming the king Salakanagara, Dewawarman I this was crowned by the name of Prabhu Dharmalokapala Dewawarman Haji Raksagapurasagara. Rajatapura was the Salakanagara capital that till the year 362 became the centre of the government of the kings Dewawarman (from Dewawarman I - VIII). Now Jayasinghawarman the founder Tarumanagara was the son-in-law King Dewawarman Viii. Ia personally a person of Maharesi from Salankayana in India that fled to the Indonesian Archipelago because his area was attacked and conquered by Maharaja Samudragupta from the Maurya Kingdom. In afterwards the day after Jayasinghawarman established Tarumanagara, the centre of the switching government of Rajatapura to Tarumangara. Salakanagara afterwards changed to the Kingdom of the Area. The paint: physical proof took the form of the inscription about Salakanagara was not yet found. His source only was the hypothesis from the Ptolemeus statement about Argyre and the Wangsakerta Text. The Tarumanagara kingdom Existence proof of the Tarumanegara Kingdom was known through sources that come from from inside and foreign. The source from inside the country took the form of 7 stone inscriptions that were found four in Bogor, one in Jakarta and one in the Banten Valley. From these inscriptions was learnt that the Tarumanegara Kingdom was built by Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman the year 358 M. and he governed to yahun 382 of M. Makam Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman were around the Gomatri river (the Bekasi territory). The Tarumanegara kingdom was continuation of the Salakanagara Kingdom. The paint :Prasasti that was linked with the Tarumanagara kingdom most were written with the Pallawa Letter with the Sansekerta language. And partly was written by using the loop script that now still could not be read (was known meaning that). The Kalingga kingdom Kalingga was a striped Hindu kingdom in Central Java, that his centre was in the area of the Jepara Regency now. Kalingga was in the 6th Masehi age and his existence was known from Tiongkok sources. This kingdom once diperintah by Queen Shima, that was known to have the regulation anyone that stole, will be cut off his hands. The daughter of the Empress Shima, Parwati, married the crown prince the Galuh Kingdom that had a name bathed Minyak, that afterwards became the king to 2 of the Galuh kingdoms. The empress Shima had the grandchild who was named Sanaha that married the king to 3 of the Galuh kingdoms, that is Bratasenawa. Sanaha and Bratasenawa had the child who was named Sanjaya that in the future became the king of the Sundanese Kingdom and the Galuh Kingdom (723-732M). After the Empress Shima mangkat in the year 732M, Sanjaya replaced buyut him and became the king of the Kalingga Utara Kingdom that afterwards was mentioned Earth Mataram, and afterwards established the Dynasty/Wangsa Sanjaya in the Kingdom Mataram Kuno. The authority was in West Java handed over by him to Putra him from Tejakencana, that is Tamperan Barmawijaya alias Rakeyan Panaraban. Afterwards King Sanjaya married Sudiwara the daughter Dewasinga, King Kalingga Selatan or Earth Sambara, and had Putra that is Rakai Panangkaran. The paint: proof about Kalingga only was known from China sources that mentioned Holing for the Rivet that dikemudian the day was known as Kalingga and the Wangsakerta Text. Physical proof takes the form of the inscription now was not yet found. The kingdom Mataram Kuno The Mataram kingdom was known by us from an inscription that was found in the Canggal Village (west the Magelang power). This inscription berangka the year 732 M., was written with the Pallawa letter and was arranged in the Sanskerta language that was very beautiful. His contents especially was to commemorate the establishment one lingga (the symbol Çiwa) on a hill in the Kunjarakunja area by King Sanjaya. This area his location in a noble island, Yawadwîpa, that was very rich would agricultural produce, especially rice and gold. King Sanjaya was based on the Canggal Inscription (732 M.), was the founder from the Sanjaya Dynasty that reigned in the Kingdom Mataram Kuno in Central Java. According to the Canggal Inscription (732 M.), he was the nephew from Sanna, the ruler beforehand. King Sanjaya established temples to worship the God Siwa. Sanjaya also studied the Hindu Siwa religion from the clergymen that he called. Sanjaya died to the middle of the 8th age and his position in Mataram was replaced by Raka Panangkaran ((760-780), and continued to continue until the period of Dyah Wawa (924-928), before being replaced by Mpu Sindok (929) from the Isyana Dynasty. The replacement Rakai Kayuwangi was Rakai Watuhumalang (the year 886-898), then the king Balitung/Rakai Watukura that was titled sri Iswarakesawotsawatungga (the year 898-910), was the first king who governed Central Java and East Java. In this case had the possibility that Kanjuruhan-inscription Dinoyo was conquered. The Rakai term in this time was identical to Bhre in the Majapahit time, that was significant “penguasa di”. So, the Rakai Panangkaran degree same meaning that with “Penguasa in Panangkaran”. His original name was found in the Kalasan inscription, that is Dyah Pancapana. The paint: the Kingdom Mataram Kuno diperintah in a changing manner by the Sanjaya Dynasty and the Syailendra Dynasty. The inscription that was left was written in the Pallawa letter spoke Sanksekerta.

The Kanjuruhan kingdom The Dinoyo inscription was the legacy that was unique because of being written in the letter Javanese Kuno and not the Pallawa letter as the inscription beforehand. The other expertise was the writing method of the year of having the shape of Condro Sangkala sounded Nayana Vasurasa (the year 682 heritages) or the year 760 Masehi. In the Dinoyo Inscription was told by the golden period of the Kanjuruhan Kingdom. In the Dinoyo village (west Malang sea) was found an inscription berangka the year 760, lettered Kawi and spoke Sanskerta, that tell about that in the VIII age had the kingdom that concentrated in Kanjuruhan (now the Kejuron village) with the king named Dewasimha and was father to Limwa (when becoming the replacement of his father named Gajayana), that established a place of the worship for the god Agastya and was declared the year 760. The appointment ceremony was carried out by the expert's clergymen Weda (the Siwa religion). The old building that at this time still was in the Kejuron village was the Badut Temple, berlanggam Central Java, partly still was erect and was gotten lingga (possibly the Agastya symbol). In the Dinoyo Inscription was told by the golden period of the Kanjuruhan Kingdom as along with: * had a kingdom that was led by the King who was magical and wise by the name of Dewasimha * After King died was replaced by his son who had a name Liswa * Liswa famous with the Gajayana degree and was on duty at the big Palace named Kanjuruhan * Liswa had the daughter who was mentioned as Uttiyana * King Gajayana was loved brahmana and his people because brought peace throughout negeri * King and his people worshipped to that was noble Agastya * Together King and the country dignitaries Agastya (was acknowledged as Maharesi) eliminated penyakit * King saw the Agastya Statue from sandalwood belonging to the grandmother moyangnya * Then the king ordered made the Agastya Statue from the black stone that elok.The Sangguran inscription (the Minto Stone) from the Ngandat area, Malang (East Java), that had been carried overseas by Stamford Raffles in 1814, that came from the 10th age. The Sangguran inscription (the Minto Inscription), was known with ‘Lord Minto’ or ‘Minto Stone’ for the Scottish version (England) was the inscription in the script and the language Javanese Kuno. The inscription was temple ruins in the Ngandat village, Malang, and it was thought very important from the side historic, because of becoming part of the history of the transition from the Mataram kingdom to East Java. The Sangguran inscription was written in the script and the Javanese language old. The contents no matter what was about the appointment of the Sangguran Village to sima (the land that was offered as security) by Sri Maharaja Rakai Pangkaja dyah the Sri Wijayaloka Namestungga gibbon to 14 Suklapaksa the Srawana month the year 850 heritages. If being converted in the Masehi year, then was identical to August 2 928. This inscription stated also the name of Rakryan Mapatih I hino pu Sindok Sri Isanawikrama and the term sima kajurugusalyan in Mananjung. That was interesting, sima this was aimed especially for juru gusali, that is clever (the iron, bronze, copper, and gold). The contents of the inscription might like that be it was said very rare, rarely was gotten to other inscriptions that had been found in Indonesia. The expert epigrafi Boechari interpreted that possibly in the government's period of King Wawa had a group clever or a clever leader, who performed a service to the king. His opinion was based on the analogy from the old Pararaton book that named Mpu Gandring, the leading figure that was considered the manufacturer of the legendary kris, with his descendants received the privilege from Sri Rajasa (Ken Arok) took the form of the gift sima kajurugusalyan (the History of Nasional Indonesia Ii, 1984). In the eyes of the epigraphs, the Sangguran Inscription was also regarded as unique because of naming the term rakryan kanuruhan. According to J.G. de Casparis, kanuruhan came from the name of the Kanjuruhan kingdom that was mentioned in the Dinoyo Inscription (760 Masehi). The kingdom has concentrated around Malang now. Form-apparently the Kanjuruhan kingdom was once upon a time conquered by the Mataram king. However the descendants of his kings continued to have the power as the ruler of the area with the degree rakryan kanuruhan. Because of the degree kanuruhan was found among short articles to one of the groups of the Loro Jonggrang Temple (Prambanan), was estimated as the ruler of the area, he contributed the temple perwara to the royal temple. Unfortunately relations between the Sangguran Inscription and the Prambanan Temple, were not yet researched in depth by the experts.The paint: the Dinoyo Inscription unique, because of being written used the letter Javanese Kuno (Kawi) and spoke Sanksekerta. The Kanjuruhan kingdom, if referring to the year that was received to the Dinoyo inscription (760 M.), was significantly coeval with Mataram Kuno in the government's Rakai Panangkaran period that rose the throne in the year 760 replaced Sanjaya. The Medang kingdom Mpu Sindok, was the last king from the Sanjaya Dynasty, that had the power the Kingdom Mataram Kuno in the year 928-929. Suspected because of the Mount Merapi eruption, in the year 929 Mpu Sindok moved the centre of the Mataram kingdom of Central Java to East Java. The palace that just was built in Tamwlang (Tembelang) around the year 929, in the Brantas River bank, now approximately was the Jombang Regency territory (East Java). This new kingdom is no longer acknowledged as Mataram, but is acknowledged as Medang (although some literature was still mentioning Mataram). Mpu Sindok also was the founder of the Isyana Dynasty, so as this new kingdom sometimes also was acknowledged as Isyana. The Mahapralaya incident The Medang kingdom collapsed the year 1006 in the government's period of Dharmawangsa Teguh (the great-grandchild Mpu Sindok). The destruction incident of the Watan palace famous with the Mahapralaya term or “kematian besar”. Chronically China from the Sung Dynasty recorded has several times Dharmawangsa Teguh sent troops to attack the Sriwijaya capital since he rose the throne of the year 991. The enmity between Java and Sumatra increasingly heated up at that time. In the year 1006 of Dharmawangsa Teguh careless. When he held his daughter's wedding reception, the Medang palace was in Watan attacked by the Wurawari Charm from Lwaram that was estimated as the ally the Sriwijaya Kingdom. In this incident, Dharmawangsa Teguh was killed. Three years afterwards, a prince was bloody the Javanese mixture - Bali that slipped off from Mahapralaya appeared to build the new kingdom as continuation of the Medang Kingdom. The prince was named Airlangga that claimed that his mother was the descendants Mpu Sindok. The kingdom that he erected afterwards usual was mentioned by the name of the Kahuripan Kingdom. A Question: The Dinoyo inscription (760 M.) and the Sangguran Inscription (928 M.) was written with the script Javanese Kuno (Kawi), in fact the Sangguran Inscription was said with the Language Javanese Kuno. Was different from other inscriptions, that were lettered Pallawa and spoke Sanksekerta. If quite true, the founder of these old kingdoms was still having his relations with India, the use of the Pallawa letter not surprising. However the year was made by him the Dinoyo inscription coeval with the government's Rakai Panangkaran period, whichever Mataram Kuno often left the lettered Pallawa inscription. Equally his matter also the Sangguran Inscription, that there even was named by the King who had the power to be Dyah Waw.

Prambanan, the Temple Hindu most Pretty in the World

The Prambanan temple was the normal outbuilding pretty that was built in the 10th age in the government's period of two kings, Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung. Soared be as high as 47 metre (5 metre higher than the Borobudur Temple), this temple establishment filled his manufacturer's wish, showed the Hindu glory in the Javanese land. This temple was located 17 kilometre from the centre of the Yogyakarta city, in the middle of the area that currently is built the beautiful garden.

There was a legend that always was told by the Javanese community about this temple. Alkisah, the man had a name Bandung Bondowoso loved Roro Jonggrang. Because did not love, Jonggrang asked Bondowoso to make the temple with 1000 statues in overnight. The request almost was fulfilled before Jonggrang asked villagers to pound rice and to make fire big in order to be formed by the atmosphere like the morning. Bondowoso that just could make 999 statues afterwards condemned Jonggrang to the statue that was 1000th because felt was deceived. The Prambanan temple had 3 main temples in the main page, that is the Wisnu Temple, Brahma, and Siwa. The three temples were the Trimurti symbol in the Hindu belief. The three temples appear before to the east. Each main temple had the colleague's one temple that appear before to the west, that is Nandini for Siwa, Angsa for Brahma, and Garuda for Wisnu. Moreover, still was gotten 2 temples pressed, 4 screen temples, and 4 corner temples. Now, the second page had 224 temples.

Entered the Siwa temple that located in the middle and his building was highest, you will come across 4 rooms. One main room was containing the Siwa statue, while 3 rooms that were other respectively contained the Durga statue (the wife Siwa), Agastya (the teacher Siwa), and Ganesha (Putra Siwa). The Durga statue so that was talked about as the Roro Jonggrang statue in the legend that it was related above. In the Wisnu Temple that was located on the north of the Siwa temple, you will only encounter one room that contained the Wisnu statue. Likewise the Brahma Temple that was located on the south of the Siwa Temple, and you too only will find one room contained the Brahma statue.

The colleague's temple that was enough attracted was the Garuda Temple that was located near the Wisnu Temple. This temple kept the story about the human noose of half of the birds that were named Garuda. Garuda was mystique birds in mitologi Hindu that bertubuh gold, had a white face, outflanked red, had a beak and outflanked was similar to the eagle. Estimated, the noose was the Hindu adaptation on the Bennu noose (means to 'rise' or 'shine', normally was associated with the God Re) in mitologi Egyptian Kuno or Phoenix in mitologi Greek Kuno. Garuda could rescue his mother from the Aruna curse (the older brother Garuda that was born the defect) by stealing the Elixir Of Life (holy water of the gods).The capacity rescued that that is admired by many people now and was used for various interests. Indonesia used him for the symbol of the country. It seems, the creator of the symbol of Garuda Kepancasilaan looked for the inspiration in this temple. The other country that also used him for the symbol of the country was Thailand, on the basis of same but the adaptation of the form and kenampakan that was different. In Thailand, Garuda was known with the Krut term or Pha Krut. Prambanan also had temple relief that contained the Ramayana story. According to the experts, the relief resembled the Ramayana story that was dropped off through the oral tradition. Relief other that interesting was the Kalpataru tree that in the Hindu religion was regarded as the life tree, conservation and environmental compatibility. In Prambanan, Kalpataru tree relief was depicted was flanking the lion. The existence of this tree made the experts consider that the 9th age community had wisdom in carrying out his environment.Same like the Garuda noose, Kalpataru currently also is used for various interests. In Indonesia, Kalpataru became the symbol of the Lingkungan Hidup Vehicle (Walhi). Moreover, several scientists in Bali developed the concept of Tri Hita Karana for conservation of the environment by seeing Kalpataru relief in this temple. The same life tree could be found in gunungan that was used to open puppet art. A proof that available relief in Prambanan was secular. If conscientious, and you too could see various birds relief, this time real birds. Birds relief in the Prambanan Temple so natural so as biolog in fact could identify him until the level of the genus. One of them Jambul Kuning Cockatoo relief (Cacatua sulphurea) that raised the question. Because, the birds in fact only was gotten in the Masakambing Island, an island in the middle of Javanese Sea. Then, had the kind previously often been received in Yogyakarta? His answer please searched knew personally. Because, up to now did not yet have one person then that could solve the mystery.

Nah, still many others that could be dug up in Prambanan. You might not be tired definitely. Although finally was tired, you could rest in the garden around the temple. Was interested? Come immediately. Since September 18 2006, you could have entered the zone 1 Prambanan Temple although still could not enter the temple. Some damage resulting from the earthquake last May 27 2006 currently was repaired.

The temple tikus

The temple tukus was located in the hamlet of Dinuk Desa Temon, Kecamatan Trowulan, Kabupaten Mojokerto, East Java. This temple measuring 29,5X28,25 metre and high the whole 5,2 metre. The name of the mouse temple was taken from the history of his discovery that at that point the first time was found there was found by plenty of mice, and this mouse plague attacked village agriculture around it. The first time being found during 1914 afterwards just was carried out by restoration in the year 1983-1986.According to several sources mentioned that the Tikus Temple was the replica or the Mahameru symbol. This temple was acknowledged as the Tikus Temple because when being found was his nesting place the mouse that preyed on rice petani in the middle of Candi Tikus was gotten the miniature of four small temples that it was considered symbolised the Mahameru Mountain where the residing gods and the source of all the lives that were realised in the form of water flowed from pancuran-pancuran/jaladwara that was met all along foot the temple. This water was regarded as holy water amrta, that is the source of all the lives.Building architecture symbolised the holiness of the Mahameru Mountain as his residing place of the gods. According to the Hindu belief, Gunung Mahameru was the place of the source of Elixir Of Life water or life water, that was believed had the magical strength and could give welfare, from the water myth that flowed in the Tikus Temple it was considered originated in the Mahameru Mountain. The pagoda mountain was the holy mountain that was regarded as the centre of the universe that had a base kosmogoni that is the belief would have to the existence of a compatibility between the world of the world (the microcosm) and the universe (the macro-cosmos).
According to Hindu conception, the universe consisted of a central continent that was named Jambudwipa that was surrounded by seven oceans and seven mainlands and all of them was restricted by a high mountains. So Very Possibly Candi Tikus was one petirtaan that disucikan by the adherent Hindu and Buddha, but also as the organiser of the water debit in the Majapahit time.
The Tikus temple was a legacy temple of the Majapahit Kingdom that was located in the Trowulan complex, Kabupaten Mojokerto, of East Java. The Tikus temple was one of the sites of main archeology in Trowulan. The Candi Tikus building took the form of the ritual place bathed (petirtaan) in the central complex of the Majapahit government. The building especially consists of two levels. The site of this temple was dug up during 1914 on the orders of Mojokerto Regent Kromodjojo Adinegoro. Because often was encountered by the mouse in around his ruins, this site afterwards was named the Tikus Temple. The Tikus temple was just restored in the year 1985-1989.The Tikus temple was it was estimated built in the 13th age or the 14th age. This temple was connected with Mpu Prapanca information in the Negarakertagama book, that there is the place to bathe the king and certain ceremonies who were carried out in his ponds.Since being found the first time during 1914, afterwards to was carried out by restoration around 1983 - 1986, the Mouse temple administratively was located in the Dinuk hamlet, Desa Temon, Kecamatan Trowulan, Kabupaten Mojokerto, East Java, often invited attention of the experts in the old history and archeology to determine the meaning and the function from the building, both from the aspect of arsitektural and was inspected from the aspect of religious. [navigasi.net] the Culture - the Tikus Tangga Temple descended that located in the north increasingly affirmed that this temple was indeed built was supervised the surface of the land. It seems, the name of the Tikus Temple was given by the reason when being carried out by the demolition during 1914, by Mojokerto Regent R.A.A Kromojoyo Adinegoro, around the temple had become the mouse nest, and this mouse plague attacked the village around it, after being carried out by the pursuit of the herd of the mouse always entered the pile of the land, that after being taken apart was found a building was made from the red bricks material and the plan persegi four with the measurement 29,5 m. x 28,25 m..Quoted from the article book of Drs I.G. BAGUS L Arnawa, definitely was not known when this Mouse temple was established because of not having the source of the history that reported about the founding of this temple. In the Nagarakertagama book that was written by Prapanca in the year 1365 M. (that was acknowledged by the experts as a source of the quite complete history contained about the Majapahit kingdom, especially in the government's period of the king Hayam Wuruk), was not named about the existence of this temple. Nevertheless, this was not significant that a series of research that was aimed in order to searches and decisive during the construction of this Mouse temple then manjadi could not be carried out. At least, was based on the study arsitektural, was received the picture of the difference in the matter of the use of the temple raw material, that is red bricks.The existence of the difference of the use of red bricks (both the difference of the quality and his quantity), gave the indication about the development stage of the Mouse temple. From results of the research that was carried out by the archaeologists, was proven that measuring red bricks bigger aged older compared with measuring red bricks smaller. Therefore, could be said that while the period stood and the functioning, the Mouse temple had experienced two development stages. The development of the first stage was carried out by utilising measuring red bricks bigger as his raw material, whereas the development of the second stage was carried out by utilising measuring red bricks smaller.It is another matter with the opinion that dikemukankan by N.J. Krom through his "supernatural power" book that was entitled Inleiding tot de Hindoe Javaansche Kunst Ii (the Escort Art of Hindu Java). By paying attention to the material and the style of art from the water channel, the expert in the history of Javanese art old of nationality the Netherlands assumed that there is two development stages of the Mouse temple. The first stage, his water channel was made from red bricks and showed his form that was awkward. Whereas the stage of his two water channels was made from the stone andesit and showed his form that was more dynamic as well as was made in the golden Majapahit period. This was also significant that according to Chrome, the Mouse temple stood before the Majapahit kingdom reached his golden peak, that is in the government's Hayam Wuruk period (1350 - 1380).

In the meantime, when being carried out by restoration in the year 1984/1985, succeeded in being opened the south-east side of the building of the Mouse temple. Foot the building that was received on the side this, menunjukan the difference of the measurement of red bricks that were utilised as his raw material. This increasingly reinforced the assumption concerning two development stages of this temple. Foot the first stage building that was compiled from measuring red bricks big, apparently was closed by foot the second stage building that was compiled from measuring red bricks smaller. When definitely the development of this first and second stage was carried out, not yet really clear.

The existence of the ladder that descended on the north, gave the impression that this building of the Mouse temple was quite deliberate was made be supervised the surface of the land. The ladder descended on the side north that, at the same time being the guidance that the building had the direction appear before to the north. Two ponds have the shape of persegi four measuring 3.5 x, 2 m. with the depth 1,5 m., pressed the ladder entered. Respectively this pond was supplemented with three fountains that had the shape of the flower padma (the water lily) and was made from the stone material andesit. To the south side of the terrace was supervised was gotten a building berdenah persegi four with the measurement 7,65 m. x 7,65 m.. This building was regarded as the main building from the Mouse temple that was supplemented with 17 fountains that had the shape of the flower padma and makara. To this parent building, was gotten a tower and was surrounded by 8 measuring towers smaller.The tower composition like that attracted attention of a Dutchman who was named A.J. Bernet Kempers that connected him with religion conception. In his book that was entitled Ancient Indonesia Art, he that often performed a service in opening the influence period of the Hindu religion - Buddha in Indonesia through the study of temples that said that the Mouse temple was the replica from the Pagoda mountain.The pagoda mountain was the holy mountain that was regarded as the centre of the universe that had a base kosmogoni that is the belief would have to the existence of a compatibility between the world of the world (the microcosm) and the universe (the macro-cosmos). According to Hindu conception, the universe consisted of a central continent that was named Jambudwipa that was surrounded by seven oceans and seven mainlands and all of them was restricted by a high mountains. So Very Possibly Candi Tikus was one petirtaan that disucikan by the adherent Hindu and Buddha, but also as the organiser of the water debit in the Majapahit time.Apart from functioning as the organiser of the water debit in the city, his location that outside the city gave the impression that before entering the city, water must disucikan before in the Mouse temple. In this case, if the form of the building of the Mouse temple was regarded as the manifestation of the Pagoda mountain, then each kind of water that left this parent building was believed as holy water (amerta). It is not surprising, when afterwards water that left the Mouse temple also was believed had the magical strength to fill hope of the people so that results of their agriculture several fold and was avoided from the damaging difficulties

The brother's temple

The temple Abang was the Hindu temple that was was not far from the Banyunibo Temple and the Barong Temple, that is in the village CandiAbang, the Jogotirto district, the Berbah subdistrict, Sleman, Yogyakarta, was not far from the Adisucipto airport. This temple was built in around the 9th and 10th age at the time of the royal time Mataram Kuno. The temple that have the shape of like this pyramid was named the Temple Abang because of being made from coloured bricks red (the brother in the Javanese language), and it was estimated had the age that was younger than Hindu temples other.The form of this temple took the form of the quadrangle with the measurement 36 m. x 34 metre, now often was overgrown the field so as from far visible was similar like the pile of the land or the small hill. When the first time being found, in this temple was gotten the statue and the foundation yoni the symbol of the god Siwa had the shape of the octagon (does not have the shape of the quadrangle, like usually) with the measuring side 15 cm. Several people regarded the Temple Abang was the place of the storage of treasure in ancient the time, because of that often was damaged and dug up by the person was not responsible (in November 2002, for example) that looked for the legacy wealth of the history and the valuable thing.Really was difficult to imagine the form in fact from this temple, all this part of the temple body, has been closed with grass even his condition far did not differ from the pile of grassland that often was encountered in Padang-golf course. From various literature that succeeded in being found by me from the book but also the search for related sites in the internet, explained that the form of this temple was to resemble the pyramid with the foundation 36x34 metre and high that to now still could not be estimated. This temple middle took the form of the well and was gotten the ladder entered was made from the white stone (limestone). Several the stone andesit also was found around the temple that still could not be known clearly would his function.One of the literature (marginal sites, Enrique Indonesia 2002) explained that is found yoni to this location. A finding that could be made the foundation of the reference that the Temple Abang this the big possibility was the legacy of the religion hindu. Yoni that was met in this temple had the shape of the octagon with each one of his sides measuring 15 cm. However other literature (Kompas, on November 30 2002) mentioned that the object had the shape of this octagon was the statue foundation, not yoni. The form of this statue foundation really unique considering umu him the statue foundation have the shape of round or rectangular. Unfortunately this statue foundation was damaged by people who were not responsible around the middle in November 2002, with kemugkinan the reason happened search efforts for treasure to this location. From isue that had circled, the location of the Temple Abang this was the place of the storage of treasure, aside from whether indeed took the form of treasure beneran, or the meaning of treasure as the heirloom or piandel (the belief).

Definitely him, when I visited kelokasi this in the trip went home lebaran 2005 then, not there is again yoni and the statue foundation like that dijelakan by this literature. Red bricks that were the main material the framer of the temple was covered grass that grew in a fertile manner. The temple middle also already did not resemble again the form of the well, but more was similar galian the land not have the shape of. Only the composition of the wall of the temple of the framer's bricks could be still being seen around grass roots or scrub. An ironic condition and again inappropriate by the name of him where the brother's significant temple the red temple because of waking up from red bricks, more appropriate was mentioned with the temple ijo because luxuriant and fertile him grass that grew in the Temple Abang this.

The condition for the site of the Temple Abang at first glance only was a pile of the land menyeruapai the small hill, but from results of the test split (the excavation) was known inside was gotten the remnants – structure of the temple building that was made from the red bricks material. Brhubung the test split as his efforts of the characteristics research was very limited so as still could not reveal tinggalan in the site of the Temple Abang. For the time being the uniqueness of the Temple Abang as the legacy from the classic period (the time of Hindu – Buddha) because the building materials was made from red bricks, so as to be one – his one the Sleman Regency wealth.

The Arkeologis data that succeeded in being revealed from the test activity split that the Temple Abang consisted of one building (the single building), with one page that is the first page that was estimated as the main page had the long measurement 65 metre and wide 64 metre. By the building according to the report that was contained by ROD 1915 was named that in the Temple Abang had been found by one lingga and the Buddhist statue. Lingga was the symbol of the god Siwa, the tallest god in the Hindu religion. If lingga this was true – true in a sense actually (not lingga the marker) and the two findings true was linked with the Temple Abang, but did not yet become the guarantee that the Temple Abang was Siwa – Buddha because still was needed by the further research. Something that was interesting that the site of the Temple Abang also had been found the short inscription during 1932. This inscription contained about pertanggalan with the year figure 794 S or 872 AD, but pertanggalan this was not yet used as pertanggalan the founding year of the Temple Abang.

An arrival there, I must explain to Alpat that the pile of the hill that was seen big in front of us was the temple that was meant. You will not find the intact temple building or the temple that collapsed here. From literature that was found by me in the internet, the form of this temple was to resemble the pyramid with the foundation 36x34 metre and high that to now still could not be estimated. This temple middle took the form of the well and was gotten the ladder entered was made from the white stone (limestone). Several the stone andesit also was found around the temple that still could not be known clearly would his function. Some literature had also named the discovery yoni in this site, that gave the assumption that this temple was the Hindu temple.This temple was acknowledged as the Temple Abang because this temple was made from red bricks, not the stone andesit like temples generally. Because the characteristics of red bricks that were easy again became the land, then in the period hundreds of temple years again became the pile of the land. Several people believe in in this temple was kept treasure. Because of this during 2002 the excavation in this temple that destroyed statues had happened around. This temple was surrounded by the forest and the valley. In the forest also was gotten a stone that according to children who were met by us was named the umbrella stone. Same including the legacy of the past or not but was the person that memadu the love in the site of this temple.

I was surprised why did not have the post BP3 in this temple. Indeed this temple was allowed just like that. Then, how if the case of the excavation to look for treasure was repeated again? According to me really good if having the nurse, a kind juru the key for this site. Possibly the temple building that a long time ago grand already could not again to be reconstructed, but with the condition for the temple that like this minimal was guarded by us so that in the future in afterwards his condition day does not far change from today.

The temple loro jonggrang

Loro Jonggrang, or more exact was spelt as Rara/Lara Jonggrang or normally was mentioned Durga Mahisasuramardini was a legend or the folk tale that wanted to explain the existence of the Prambanan Temple in Central Java. This story was based on the statue of Dewi Durga that was found in the Prambanan village, Central Java this. Rara Jonggrang meaning that is the "virgin (the girl) slim". According to the local people he said like this: Alkisah was a King who was named King Baka (Boko) and had the daughter was very pretty, Rara Jonggrang. Then he also was applied by Bandung Bandawasa (Bandung Bondowoso). Rara Jongrang was then told married Bandung Bandawasa did not want because of not loving him. Finally he agreed provided that his request was granted. His request was to ask to be built 1,000 temples in time one day one night.Bandung Bandawasa agreed, then he began to be constructive, but after tonight he asked for help of the supernatural being so as the development could be faster. Rara Jongrang worried and he told dayang-dayang him to read out rustling voices and woke up kept animals to the frightened supernatural beings. Evidently true, the supernatural beings thought the day has the morning and they hid again. Bandung Bandawasa saw that the number of temples of only 999 and he knew that he was deceived by Rara Jongrang that did dishonest. Then he also murka and menyihir Rara Jongrang became the stone statue that decorated the last temple.Alkisah, a long time ago was met a big kingdom that was named Prambanan. His people lived tenteran and peace. But, what happened afterwards? The Prambanan kingdom was attacked and was colonised by the Pengging country. Kerajaan Prambanan peace to was disturbed. The troops tidak could face troops's Pengging attack. Finally, kerajaan Prambanan was in charge of by Pengging, and was led by Bandung Bondowoso. Bandung Bondowoso a person who liked to govern cruelly. "Who yang did not follow my order, will be sentenced the difficult punishment!" , said Bandung Bondowoso to his people. Bandung Bondowoso was a person that sakti and had the genie's troops. Was not how long had the power, Bandung Bondowoso liked to observe Loro Jonggrang movements, the daughter Raja Prambanan that was pretty lovely. "Pretty nian the daughter." I want to dia became my queen, thought Bandung Bondowoso.Tomorrow his day, Bondowoso approached Loro Jonggrang. "You were very pretty, wanted kau became my queen?" , Tanya Bandung Bondowoso to Loro Jonggrang. Loro Jonggrang was pulled at, heard the Bondowoso question. "Laki-laki this the yacht very much, did not yet know with me direct menginginkanku became his queen", said Loro Jongrang in the heart. "What harus was carried out by me?" . Loro Jonggrang became confusion. Pikirannya went around in circles. If he refused, then Bandung Bondowoso would marah big and dangerous his family as well as the people Prambanan. Untuk agreed to him then was not possible, because of Loro Jonggrang indeed tidak liked with Bandung Bondowoso. "How, Loro Jonggrang?" Desak Bondowoso. Finally Loro Jonggrang got the idea. "I bersedia became the wife Mr, but had his condition," He Said. What was "his condition?" Want the abundant wealth? Or the grand Palace? . "Not that, my host, said Loro Jonggrang.".I asked was made the temple, jumlahnya must one thousand. "One thousand?" Shouted Bondowoso. "Yes, and the temple itu must be finished in time overnight." Bandung Bondowoso gazed at Loro Jonggrang , his lip was shaking kept anger. Since that time Bandung Bondowoso thought how him made 1000 temples. Finally he asked his adviser. "I believed my host the ray made candi this with help" of the "Genie!" , said the adviser. "Yes, true also your proposal, prepared equipment that was needed by me!" After equipment di prepared. Bandung Bondowoso stood in front of the stone altar. Secondly lengannya was explained very wide. The "genie's troops, Bantulah I!" He shouted dengan the voice rumbled. Not long afterwards, sky became dark. Angin howled-roar. Immediately after, the genie's troops have crowded around Bandung Bondowoso . "What must be done by us Mr?" , asked the leader of the genie. "Help me to build one thousand temples," requested Bandung Bondowoso.The genies immediately moved there come here, carried out their respective task. Dalam short time the temple building has been compiled almost reached seribu . In the meantime, secretly Loro Jonggrang observed dari the distance. He was concerned, learned Bondowoso was helped by the genie's troops. "Oh, how this?" , said Loro Jonggrang in the heart. He looked for the mind. Dayang the kingdom was told by him to gather and to be assigned mengumpulkan straw. "Fast burnt all the straw!" The Loro Jonggrang order. Some dayang other was told by him to pound mortar. Dung... Dung... dung! The tinge of the red colour memancar to sky with diiringi the voice hiruk pikuk, so as to be similar like the dawn that broke.The genie's troops thought the dawn has broken. "Oh, the sun will rise!" Seru the genie. "We must immediately go before our body was scorched the sun," continued the other genie. These genies jumped went meninggalkan the place. Bandung Bondowoso could be surprised to see the panic pasukan the genie. His morning, Bandung Bondowoso asked Loro Jonggrang ke the place of the temple. The "temple that you asked to have stood!" . Loro Jonggrang immediately counted the number of temples. Evidently the amount of only 999! . The "amount not all that one!" Violently Loro Jonggrang. "This means that the host has gagal filled the condition that was put forward by me". Bandung Bondowoso terkejut knew the lack.He to really murka. "Was not possible..." , said Bondowoso while gaze at sharply to Loro Jonggrang. "If begitu you that equipped him!" He said while aiming his finger pada Loro Jonggrang. Miraculous! Loro Jonggrang at once changed to patung the stone. Until this these temples were still being and being located di the Prambanan territory, Central Java and was acknowledged as the Loro Jonggrang Temple.
The Loro Jonggrang temple or that was famous by the name of this Prambanan Temple was located in the Yogyakarta border - Central Java, 17 km to the east from Yogyakarta or 53 km to the west from the Solo city. The group of this temple was named Prambanan because of his location in the Prambanan area. The other name of this temple that is Loro Jonggrang, was taken from the legend that told all about a girl that jonggrang or the heron, the daughter Prabu Boko. Built by the kings of the Sanjaya Dynasty in the IX age, the discovery of the Pikatan name to this temple building, caused the estimate of the opinion that this temple was built by Rakai Pikatan then was completed by Rakai Balitung was based on the Siwargrha Inscription that berangka the year 856 M., as manifest politics to strengthen the position as the big king.The occurrence of the move of the centre of the government of the Mataram kingdom to East Java, result in was not treated by him temples in this area, were increased again because of the existence of the earthquake & several times the Mount Merapi outbreak, made the Prambanan temple when the first time being found only took the form of ruins of stone ruins. Restoration efforts that were carried out by the government of the Dutch time were very slow, but finally could be completed by the Indonesian government on December 20 1953, during the government of the president Soekarno. The Prambanan temple was the temple complex that consist of: 1. low yards = 390 square metre, did not contain anything, 2. middle yards = 222 square metre, was gotten Perwara temple ruins, and when being finished was restored at one time will be gotten 224 temples that his measurement same, that is the area of the foundation = 6 square metre high = 14 metre. 3. yards of the centre/the upper yard = 110 square metre, and the form of the building that increasingly inside increasingly high his location. On the whole, in the complex percandian this was gotten 240 temples.