The East Java province was one of the territories with the cattle population po-drum biggest in Indonesia. The Indonesian population of piece cattle during 2002 of 10.436 million tails, evidently totalling 28.90 % was in East Java; his population's composition: 46.40 % local cattle (consisted 33.50 of % PO; 63.50 of % Madura; 3.00 of % Bali (Anonimus, 2003c)) and 53.60 % cattle that was not identified his descendants (undeter-mined breed). The nation was the grouping stage of the animal in sistematika or taxonomi, where this animal had the typical characteristics certain that was bequeathed entirely to his descendants (Hardjosubroto and Astuti, 1994). PO cattle were the cattle nation produced by the conflict between the cattle stud Sumba Ongole (SO) and female cattle right-cal in Java that was white (Anonimus, 2003b). At this time PO cattle that were pure you lai was difficult to be found, because has many in crossed with Brahman cattle, so as cattle POdiartikan as local cattle was white (greyish), berkelasa and gelambir. PO cattle were known as the beef cow and the worker's cattle, had the adaptation capacity that was high towards the difference of the condition for the environment, had tena ga that was strong and the activity of his parent reproduction again fast was normal after having child, male him had the quality of good cement (Affandhy dkk., 2002). Madura cattle were the local nation of piece cattle original Indonesia that was formed from the conflict between the buffalo and the Boss indicus or Zebu cattle (Hardjosubroto and Astuti, 1994), that genetically had the tolerant characteristics towards the hot climate and the marginal environment as well as kept towards the attack caplak (Anonimus, 1987). Karak-teristik Madura cattle already really the uniform, that is the form of his body was small, foot short and strong, the hair was brick red was rather yellowish but the stomach part and the next thigh in being white with the more unclear transition; butted typical and male him bergumba (Hardjosubroto, 1994) .Sapi Bali, according to Hardjosubroto and Astuti (1994) was the cattle nation po-drum local original Indonesia that was formed from the buffalo (Bibos the buffalo) that was tamed for centuries that was previous. Balinese cattle had the reproduction figure that ting gi, the level of the adaptation that really was good towards the condition for ugly food and the environment that were hot as well as had % the carcass and the quality of good meat (Anonimus, 1985).The weakness of Balinese cattle was susceptible to cattle plague and MCF as well as the mortality rate pedet pre sapih that reached 15 to 20 % (Anonimus, 1987). The colour of the brick red hair, in male will become black during mature; had the colour pu-tih with the limit that was clear in the thigh rear, upper lip outskirts, foot ba oh began tarsus and carpus; had gumba that his form was typical as well as was received the black line that was clear in the part on the back (Hardjosubroto, 1994) .Sapi the crossing that most had an interest taken in him by the breeder in East Java was SIMPO cattle and LIMPO. Hal Ini apparently in the realisation of the distribution straw Simmental cattle and Limousin in 2002 achieved 556,945 doses or of 89.42 % from the total distribution straw seven available cattle nations (Anonimus, 2003c). SIMPO cattle and LIMPO in East Java had performan the growth prasapih and post yearling that was better compared to PO cattle; as the mother could achieve the age of puberty was earlier, but his reproduction efficiency more but his reproduction efficiency was lower compared to PO; as the stud, had the quality of cement was lower compared to PO cattle (Affandhy dkk., 2002) .Sapi SIMPO not bergumba and did not hang down; the colour of the brick red, dark red or brown hair young, white yellowish and striped (black stripes, white, me-rah bricks and chocolate). The typical characteristics of SIMPO cattle were to have the colour of the white hair had the shape of the triangle around his two horns. LIMPO cattle not berpunuk and did not hang down; the colour of his hair of only old chocolate or blackness and young chocolate. In general karak teristik quantitative morphology SIMPO cattle and LIMPO that were maintained by the breeder shelf-yat in Central Java, DIY and East Java, was included in the Table of 1.Sapi Ongole came from India, including the Boss's nation indicus, the type of work cattle and pedaging (Siregar dkk., 2003), was spread in Indonesia as cattle Sumba Ongole (SO) through grading with the mother of Javanese cattle was produced by Peranakan Ongole cattle (Hardjosubroto and Astuti, 1994). The colour of the Ongole cattle hair white grey de ngan the black colour round the eyes, had gumba and gelambir that was big dangled, when achieving the male mature age had the weight less than 600 kg and that was female 450 kg (Atmadilaga, 1983). Simmental cattle were the Boss's nation taurus (Talib and Siregar, 1999), came from the Simme area in the Switzerland country but now developing faster in the European continent and America, was the type of dairy cattle and pedaging, the colour of the reddish chocolate hair (brick red), dibagian the face and knees down as well as the tip of the tail ber the white colour, male cattle mature him could achieve the weight 1150 kg was female mature him 800 kg (Anonimus, 2002b). Limousin cattle were the Boss's nation turus (Talib and Siregar, 1999), dikembang-would was first in France, was the type of the beef cow with perototan that better than Simmental, the colour of the old chocolate hair except in and around the coloured udder white as well as knees down and around the coloured eyes younger (Anonimus, 2002b). genetically, Simmental cattle or Limousin were piece cattle that came from the territory had a cold climate, was big type cattle, had the volume rumen that was big, voluntary intake (the capacity increased consumption apart from the actual requirement) that was high and metabolic rate that was fast, so as to demand the management of the maintenance that more was arranged (Anonimus, 2002b); whereas Ongole cattle were the type was that came from the area had a hot climate, was small type cattle to was so as to be able to be developed in the condition for the management of the extensive maintenance (Atmadilaga, 1983).
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