Although results of the export of the squid implicated tren that continued to improve each year, not meant uptil now to not have the hindrance that was dealt with by the fishermen in going hunting the squid. Almost all the result of the export of the Indonesian squid at this time still was relying on results caught of sea. Meaning that the fisherman's supplies really depended from the season. Like for example in the Foundation strait (the strait that connected between the Lombok island and Sumbawa) in the period in October - April was squid harvest time, each month the arrest of the fishermen in general could reach more than 100 ton. On the other hand during April - in September was during the squid famine, at the time of the famine of these fishermen of course his income will descend in fact could happened in no way had revenue from the bacillus caught this squid. Moreover, the existence of this squid also really depended on the condition for the coral reef ecosystem.
the coral reef for the squid was the place to lay eggs and look for food. Unfortunately the condition for the coral reef in Indonesian waters at this time was very worrying. Was based on information that was received from the Kelautan Department and fisheries of the total area of the Indonesian coral reef reached 60 thousand square kilometre, now that his condition was it was considered still good less than 6%. The rest of them that 94 % of course very bad his situation. Saw this phenomenon then could diprediksikan that in several years again the squid population will begin to decrease. This of course also will result in the decline in the production of the export of the squid. the squid population increasingly the day increasingly was threatened keberadaa him, considering currently increasingly increased by the intensity of pollution and environmental damage in sea. This will of course be influential towards the sea ecosystem especially the squid that was classified as the animal that very much was sensitive to pollution. Just a few happened the difference of the quality of water akanmenghindar from this waters region. Saw the threat that was serious from the existence of this squid, Mulyono S. Baskoro, of Peneliti from the School Of Fishery and Marine Institut Pertanian Bogor, carried out the research to develop the technique of the squid cultivation. Baskoro then currently begins to enjoy results of the work of the harshness uptil now in finding the technique cultivated the squid.In beginning this research of the squid cultivation, Baskoro indeed was flagged down by various hindrances. Including being caused by the behaviour of the animal personally that is did not yet want dikawin had. His intention this animal continue to only wanted to lay eggs in his original habitat. To overcome this, Baskoro found a quite clever method, that is by providing the special place for the mother of the egg-laying squid that was mentioned atraktor. Atraktor this was installed in his original habitat. After the mother laid eggs just these eggs were moved to keramba the net apung to be caused. Through this method, Baskoro did not force the mother of the squid to lay eggs outside his habitat. Atraktor this in fact was the similar implement rumpon with the design resembled the form like the flower sheath. Berdiameter 120 cm and high 35 cm. To make this implement really was easy. Materials that were utilised to make this implement be then easy were received anywhere. Like the wire, the mine and the sheet of black plastic that had a function of closing the upper part rumpon this. “Untuk made one unit atraktor .
Ara the fisherman not the lack of squid supplies when the season paceklik,” he said. To utilise this implement, Baskoro recommended so that necessarily was placed in the foundation of waters - around 5 - 7 metre from sea level - that indeed has in knew became the squid habitat. That is in the foundation of waters around the coral reef with the condition for clear waters and the flow that were not too strong. Usually when seeing the place that “nyaman and asyik” the mature squid will immediately be married in this artificial nest. Ideally the appointment atraktor this was carried out at the time of the season of the squid harvest. After one month was placed just was seen had the squid egg that was placed by his mother in this implement. Afterwards furthermore the eggs were moved to the location of the net apung to be caused. The location of the net apung this better should not be too far with the location of the appointment atraktor. This, apart from inefficient also will increase the risk of destruction of the egg when being moved. Around two weeks after being moved just the eggs will hatch. Four months around two weeks after being moved just the eggs will hatch. Four months afterwards after in maintained in the net apung densely the dispersion around 50 tails per meter3 this squid was ready dipanen.
A mother of the squid could in general produce approximately 500 items of the egg. Pembudidaya the squid necessarily had 10 units atraktor. Meaning that when squid harvest time could each month gather the egg cumi totalling 5000. “Lewat this technique the level of his success as far as the harvest reached 85%,” Baskoro words. Meaning that when the harvest will from 5000 eggs produce 4250 squids seriously around 425 kg. In the level of the price farmer of the squid at this time reached around Rp 22 thousand per kilogram him. So with the production that much pembudidaya will get the Rp income 9.3 million.
About food, the squid be classed as was easy in giving of food. This animal was classified as the carnivorous animal (carnivores) because of all that the sea biota that could enter his mouth will be eaten. Like the shellfish, the fish and the other sea animal. For the maintenance also too much was not difficult. One matter that must be paid attention to was to do not have food that remained in the net apung. This will invite the other sea animal (the fish or the crab) to take food in the net. If this happened had the possibility of the net of being cut off, as a result the squid could bolt to free sea.
Other that must become serious attention for pembudidaya the squid was the matter of the location election of the net apung, his location must be far from the industrial activity and the bustle. Because just a few happened pollution in these waters then could have been confirmed all of his kept squid will die was in vain. This will of course be very damaging pembudidaya that personally.
The meeting with the Chairman and the vice-chairman DPRD Kabupaten Morowali, was led directly by the Secretary of the Area of the province Central Sulawesi H. GUMYADI, SH, discussed about the resolution of various problems that happened in the Government of the Area of the Morowali Regency, considering a brightness of the demonstration lately that happened was beaten as the feeling expression of disappointment of the people Bung I, to immediately drop Andi Muhammad from his position as Regent Morowali off. The new regency that not yet old dimekarkan from the Mother of the Poso Regency, brought many problems, so as to be in a meeting was spread out for three hours, diruang the work of the Secretary of the Central Sulawesi province, on Saturday early afternoon (on March 19 2005) that was attended by Karo Tata Pemerintahan Drs. Rais Lamangkona, Karo Hukum Dan Perundang-undangan Usman Suhudin, SH, MH, Kepala Kesbang Syafri Alikadir, SH and Ali Lasamaulu that mewakil from the Kepegawaian Daerah Body of the Central Sulawesi province, was also present several officials of the Kabupaten Morowali Regional Government that has in Non activated, and an amount of delegation from the Public Figure Bung I. Chairman DPRD KABUPATEN Morowali H. Zainal Abidin Ishak that was accompanied by Wakilnya Saudara Abudin Halilu, explained various problems that happened in Regent's Government of Andi Muhammad, like disobedience and insulting against No. UU 51 in 1999 and the Letter Of Instruction of the Minister For Home Affairs about the position of the Morowali capital in Bung I, moreover the secretary DPRD Morowali was dismissed from his position although being not yet agreed to, menon activated four officials of the echelon of two and several officials of the echelon of three dilingkup the Morowali Regional Government, issued Regent's circular about the Banning to attend the Meeting invitation from Chairman DPRD, Regent's confirmation letter that, the implementation activity of the Morowali Government continue to was diKolonedale. As a result of being attracted by him the secretary DPRD paralysed the tasks of the Council, that finally the implementation of the Government could not go should, that ironically again, that RAPBD discussions or information pertanggung the answer in 2003, RAPBD the change and the determination RAPBD in 2005 until this could not be carried out, the KKN brightness that happened in Morowali, resulting from not the DPRD Morowali functioning to carry out the supervision. The letter wrote letters to the Regent and the Minister For Home Affairs who was done by the Morowali Council uptil now, according to H. Gumyadi, SH still be difficult inside resolved various problems. I tended “ said Gumyadi “, when the Morowali situation that his community has it was reported headed to the anarchist's action, between the community kolonedale and Bung I, as a result of attacking mutual casualties 7 people of wounds, then in the situation that did not enable as is now the case, the Morowali Council must try and carry out the plenary session although only had a membership of 10 people was increased and the chairman and the vice-chairman, was carried out by us by inviting this member, filled in the roll, so as the session was not yet stated by the forum, but with this foundation as efforts proof and efforts that were carried out by the Morowali Council, that will be handed over by us to the Minister For Home Affairs. Now Chairman Dewan Morowali H. Zainal Abidin Ishak not all that be certain of was successful by means of that was sent by Gumyadi, his article the council's 10 members were volunteers, if the decision of the Morowali Council as the first measurement in this problem, could was done but only was limited by the discourse, “ said Zainal “, and it was hoped the problem of the position of the Morowali capital in Bung I must continue to walk simultaneously, don't remain quiet, “ he added “, that was early in fact in the problem of the difference of the understanding of the matter of the position of the Morowali capital in the middle of the community, has been did not have again problems, no matter what happens now, Regent again did profokasi to the community so that again the difference about the position of this capital, happened therefore if the Minister For Home Affairs could not handle this problem, better returned to the parent regency than the community was supervised by the clash that has happened now, the problem now had the Government of the Centre called Andi Muhammad “ I asked thegovernment will of the Centre to see this seriously “ Zainal words, as.It was final that Rapat that spent time three hours, concluded to follow up this problem, that was continued and sent directly to the Minister For Home Affairs dijakarta, with the party of the Team of the Morowali Resolution respectively Sekda. Prop. Sulteng, Karo Tapem, the Chairman and the vice-chairman DPRD Morowali and an amount of delegation of the Morowali community, that was planned the week went in March 2005 in .
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