The gurami was the kind of the fresh water of the consumption fish, the form of the flat body wide, The back part was coloured merahsawo and the stomach part berwarnakekuningkuningan/ Silvery. The gurami was the Anabantidae family, The descendants Helostoma and the Labyrinthici nation. The gurami came dari Sundanese regional waters (West Java, Indonesia), and spread to Malaysia, Thailands, Ceylon and Australia. The growth of the gurami rather lambat Compared to the other fish of the kind fresh water. In Indonesia, Javanese mentioned him the gurami, Gurameh, Sumatrans ikan If, the time, kalui, whereas in Kalimantan was acknowledged as Kalui. The Inggris person Mentioned him “Giant Gouramy”, because of his measurement that was big sampai Reached heavy 5 kg. PERIKANAN centres The area in Indonesia that became fisheries centres that is: Sumatra, NTB dan Java. Whereas overseas that is: Thailand, Japan and the Philippines. TTG the PERIKANAN cultivation 3. JENIS Classification of the gurami was as follows: The class: Pisces Sub the Class: Teleostei The order: Labyrinthici Sub the Order: Anabantoidae The family: Anabantidae The genus: Osphronemus Species: Osphronemus goramy (Lacepede) The gurami kind that has been known by the community among them: the goose gurami, The gurami je also, blausafir, Paris, the bastard and porcelain. Four finally banyak Developed in West Java, especially Bogor. Compared to the other kind gurami, Porcelain was more superior in producing the egg. If the mother of the bastard in tiap His nest could only produce 2000-3000 items of the egg, porcelain mampu 10,000 items. Because of that the community acknowledged him as great of the pop, dan Most diunggulkan.
The BENEFIT As the source of the provisions of animal protein. 5. The CONDITION for the LOCATION 1) the Land that was good for the maintenance pond was the clay kind/clay, Not berporos and was enough contained humus. This land kind could Kept the big water mass and did not leak so as to be able to be made The dyke/the wall of the pond. 2) the Slope of the land that was good for the production of the revolving pond between 3-5% To facilitate the pond irrigation in a manner gravitation. 3) the Gurami could grow normal, if the location of the maintenance was in The height 50-400 m. dpl. 4) the Quality of water must for the maintenance of the gurami be clean and the foundation of the pond Was not muddy, was not too turbid and not dirtiest chemicals Was poisonous, and oil/the waste of the factory. 5) the Pond with the depth 70-100 cm and his irrigation system that Flowed very good for the growth and the physical development of the fish The gurami. For the maintenance traditionally to the special pond, the water debit That was allowed to be 3 litre/the second, whereas for the maintenance In a polikultur manner, the ideal water debit was between 6-12 litre/the second. 6) the Acidity of water.The TECHNICAL GUIDE the cultivation 6,1. The provisions of means and Equipment 1) the Pond The public pond kind was utilised in the gurami cultivation between Other: A. The storage pond of the mother This pond had a function of keeping the mother in prepared The maturity of the egg and maintained the health of the mother, the pond took the form of the pond The land that the width around 10 square metre, kedalamam minimal 50 cm And the density of the brood pond 20 female tails and 10 male tails. B. The spawning pond The pond took the form of the land pond that the width 200/300 square metre and The density of the brood pond 1 tail needed 2-10 square metre (depended on the spawning system). As for the condition for the spawning pond It was the temperature of revolving water between 24-28 C levels; the depth of water 75-100 Cm; the foundation of the pond better berpasir. Place means penempel the egg Take the form of injuk or twigs. C. The maintenance pond of the seed/the pond pendederan The area of the pond not more than 50-100 square metre. The depth of pond water Between 30-50 cm. The density better 5-50 tails/square metre. Old The maintenance in the pond pendederan/the seedling between 3-4 weeks,
Measure the land 10 x 10 m. (100 m2). B. For his dyke with the measurement; the part on the width 0,5 m., the part Low him 1 m. and the height 1 m.. C. Put on the pipe/big bamboo for revenue and the issuing of water. Arrange the highness or lowness, in order to be easy put and dismissed Water. D. The hoe the basic land of the brood pond so that loose, then was levelled again. The land will become soft after being irrigated, so as land holes would Was closed, and water did not go out as a result of leaking from the pores. Really the pond Made askew to the side of the water exit. TTG the fisheries cultivation E. For the channel in the middle of-was the brood pond, memanjang from the door Enter water to the exit. It was wide that the channel 0,5 m. and the depth 15 cm. F. Keringkanlah the brood pond with 2 sacks of manure that Spread equitable, afterwards water was put. Let for 1 week, So that fertiliser was destroyed and penetrates to the land and forms moss, as well as Tested so that the pond tidask leaked. High water 0,75-1 m.. 2) Equipment.
Seedling cultivation 1) the parent Election The characteristics of the mother of the good gurami were as follows: A. Had the characteristics of the fast growth. B. The form of the normal body (the long comparison and the ideal weight). C. The measurement of the head relatively small D. The scale composition teratur,licin, the clear colour and mengkilap as well as tidakluka. E. The normal and agile movement. F. The form of the beautiful lip sepertipisang, bermulut small and was not bearded. G. Be aged between 2-5 years. As for the characteristics to distinguish the male mother and the female mother was As follows: A. Female - the Forehead meninjol. - the Foundation of chest fins was obviously dark blackness. - the white Chin brownish. - If being placed to the flat place of the tail only moving. - If the stomach distriping did not issue the liquid. B. Male - the Forehead stood out. - the Foundation of chest fins was obviously whitish. - the yellow Chin. - If being placed to the flat place of the tail will rise. - If the stomach distriping issued the coloured sperm liquid white. 2) the Maintenance of the Mother The mothers were chosen (20-30 tails for the pond measuring 10.The maintenance of the Enlargement 1) the Maintenance of the enlargement could be done in a polikultur manner and Monoculture. A) Polikultur The gurami dipeliharan with the fish tawes, the fish Mas, nilem, mujair or Lele. This method was more beneficial because of the growth of the gurami That was slow enough. B) Monoculture In the maintenance of the special gurami, the seed that was spread minimal must Was 2 months old. The dispersion of the seed totalling 500 tails (the measurement 10-15 cm) Was needed the area of the pond around 1500 square metre 2) Fertilising Fertilising could be carried out with the chemical and manure. In Generally fertilising was only carried out by 1 time in each maintenance, With the intention to increase natural food for the kept animal. The first stage fertilising was carried out when the pond dikeringkan. In At this time fertiliser that was given was manure totalling 7,5 kg to Each 100 m2 the pond, water was left little by little until reached The height 10 cm and was left alone for 3 days. In the following stage fertilising was carried out by using fertiliser Artificial like TSP or Urea fertiliser totalling 500.The illness The disturbance that could cause the death of the fish to be the illness that Acknowledged as the illness non the para-zither and the illness that were caused by the parasite. The disturbances non the para-zither could take the form of pollution of water like the existence Poisonous gases took the form of the sulphuric acid or ammonia; damage resulting from The capture or the body deviation because of the descendants. His control It was by detecting the pond situation and the behaviour of these fish. Indeed was needed by knowledge and the experience that were enough to Knew him. Fish that are sick usually became thin and slow His movement. The other disturbance that took the form of the para-zither illness, that was resulted in by the bacteria, The virus, the fungus and various other micro-organisms. When the fish was affected by the illness That was caused by the parasite, could be recognised as follows: 1) the Illness in skin; in certain parts was red especially In the chest part, the stomach and the fins starting point. 2) the Illness in gills; closed gills expanded. The sheet of gills to Pale, sometimes apparently the red and grey tinge 3) the Illness in the organ in; the fish stomach swelled, the scale stood. The prevention of this illness emergence could be carried out by lifting the fish.
The pest For the most important seed of the enemy's gurami was the disturbance from the fish Wild/pemangsa and several kept fish kinds like tawes, the gurami and A putt. The other enemy was the monitor lizard, the frog, the snake and various birds Pemangsa. 8. The HARVEST 8,1. The capture The harvesting of the seed could be carried out after the seed was 1 month old. His method By withdrawing water little by little while the water channel entered Reduced. Put on the soft net in the door to the issuing to accommodate The seed or could also by making the ditch in the middle of the pond head towards the hole The issuing. The seed that was treated good could achieve the weight 0,3 gram/the tail in During dipanen. The harvesting produced by the enlargement of the gurami really tersantung from the measurement that Asked for by the consumer. Generally the harvesting was carried out after the fish be aged 2-3 The year, the fish that was 2 years old had long around 25 cm and heavy 0,3 kg/the tail, whereas for the fish that was 3 length years around 35 old Cm and the weight 0,7 kg/the tail. For the fish was 4 length years old could Reached 4.Post-harvest 1) the Handling of the living fish Sometimes this consumption fish is more expensive his price when being sold in The situation lived. The matter that must be paid attention to so that this fish down to The consumer in the living situation, fresh and healthy in part: A. In the transport used water that bersuhu low around 20 levels C. B. Transport time preferably in the morning or in the afternoon. C. The number of densities of the fish in the transport implement was not too solid. 2) the Handling of the fresh fish The fresh fish Mas was the fast product descended his quality. The matter that Must be paid attention to to maintain the freshness in part: A. The capture must be carried out carefully so that fish not the wound. B. Before being packed, the fish must be washed so that clean and mucus. C. The forum for the carrier must be clean and was closed. For the transport of the distance Close (2 trip hours), could be used the basket that was covered with The bananas leaves/plastic. For the transport of the long distance was used the box and Zinc or fiberglass. The box capacity of the maximum 50 kg high The box of the maximum 5.
The fish was placed in the forum that was given ice with the temperature 6-7 C levels. Use ice took the form of the very small discount (loose ice) with the comparison The amount of ice and ikan=1:1. Really the box was covered ice with a thickness of 4-5 cm. Afterwards The fish was compiled on the layer of this ice with a thickness of 5-10 cm, then was followed by the layer of ice Again et cetera. Between the fish and the wall of the box was given ice, was like this Also between the fish and the cover of the box. Whereas matters that must be paid attention to in pananganan post-harvest The seed was as follows: 1) the fish Seed must be chosen that was healthy that is free from the illness, the parasite and Not flawed. After that, the fish seed was just put into the pocket Plastic (the system was closed) or keramba (the system was open). 2) Water that was used by the transport media must be clean, healthy, free the pest and The illness as well as the organic matter lai him. For example could be used water The well that has diaerasi overnight. 3) Before being carried the fish seed must diberok beforehand for several days. Use the place pemberokan took the form of the basin.The system was closed Carried out for the transport of the long-distance seed that needed time More than 4-5 hours, used the pocket of plastic. The volume of the media The transport consisted of clean water 5 litre that was given buffer Na2 (hpo) 4.1H2O totalling 9 gram. The packaging method of the fish seed that Transported by the pocket of plastic: (1) put clean water inside The pocket of plastic afterwards the seed; (3) eliminated air with pressed The pocket of plastic to the surface of water; (3) channelled oxygen from the tube was channelled To the pocket of plastic totalling 2/3 the volume of the cavity whole (air:oksigen=1:2); (4) the pocket of previous plastic was tied. (5) the pocket of plastic Put into the carton with the position lie alongside or was lulled. The carton That have a length of 0,50 m., wide 0,35 m., and high 0,50 m. could Filled up 2 pockets of plastic. Several matters that must be paid attention to after the seed arrived in the destination It was as follows: 1) prepared the solution tetrasiklin 25 ppm in the wash-basin (1 capsule tertasiklin in 10 litre clean water). 2) opened the pocket of plastic, added clean water.The picture of the agribusiness Opportunity The gurami cultivation, had the very high economical value. Nearby it seems that was delicious and soft, this fish was then enjoyed by many people. Has become the tradition in every time kendurian, the gurami always to The main condition for the serving. Nearby it seems that, his maintenance then not too much Was not difficult and eat many fees, so as many fish farmers who began Enjoyed, cultivated this fish, because of the price from each one of his seeds that Cheap could produce the profit 3 fold times from the price of the seed. The price from The gurami in the market was very varying depended on this fish weight. The gurami seriously 1,5 kg could achieve the Rp price 6.000-Rp 8,000 Depended the situation at the time. TIPS……… I took from Trubus. It seems this came from the Kemranjen farmer of the village gurami, Purwokerto. If being felt by the production of the gurami egg descended until 50%, in fact that necessarily 1500-2000 tails per the nest (I experienced 75 items persarang), then the sign of your gurami needed food fried the duck egg. Firstly, The GURAMI cultivation In October 22, 2007 by sutanmuda 1. The SHORT HISTORY The gurami was the kind of the fresh water of the consumption fish, the form of the flat body wide, The back part was coloured merahsawo and the stomach part berwarnakekuningkuningan/ Silvery. The gurami was the Anabantidae family, The descendants Helostoma and the Labyrinthici nation. The gurami came from Sundanese regional waters (West Java, Indonesia), and spread to Malaysia, Thailands, Ceylon and Australia. The growth of the gurami was rather slow Compared to the other fish of the kind fresh water. In Indonesia, Javanese mentioned him the gurami, Gurameh, fish Sumatrans If, the time, kalui, whereas in Kalimantan was acknowledged as Kalui. English Mentioned him “Giant Gouramy”, because of his measurement that was big until Reached heavy 5 kg. 2. Fisheries centres The area in Indonesia that became fisheries centres that is: Sumatra, NTB and Java. Whereas overseas that is: Thailand, Japan and the Philippines. TTG the fisheries cultivation 3. The KIND Classification of the gurami was as follows: The class: Pisces Sub the Class: Teleostei The order: Labyrinthici Sub the Order: Uptil now the death of the age larva 7 days as far as 50% became the spectre for Munajat. Because of him the presence of the predator like the frog, bibis, and uncit was difficult avoidable. The change in the temperature also became the disturbance. That not to mention when rain, small gurami were carried the flow and was lost. “Dari 5,000 seeds, most 2.000—2.500 the tail selamat,†said the birth August 11 1961 that. Was reluctant continually to run at a loss, the retired teacher Islamic School carried out the breakthrough: used technology hapa in the pond pendederan. Although being classified as simple, technology hapa was proven to be effective. The material that was needed only hapa or strimin measurement plastic of the hole 1 mm, the rope rafi a, the stone, eceng the goitre, and the culture media of the plankton. The total cost Rp200.000 to hapa the measurement 3 m. x 5 m. that accommodated 5,000 seeds. Efficiency of the System land hapa gave the profit more the reason for the material and the implement could be used repeatedly. The age strimin reached 5 years. When a year was carried out by 6 times pendederan, was significant for 5 years hapa could be used by 30 times. Land efficiency could be then carried out.
The water threat according to Munajat, the idea used hapa that emerged after him often used strimin as the cross-section of consumption of the measurement gurami before being sold. “Agar was not difficult to arrest him during pengepul datang,†said the alumnus of the Assyafi Islamic University ah that. The ease also that afterwards was tried during pendederan. It was final that 2003, a pond 200 m2 his bank was installed hapa measuring 3 m. x 5 m.. So that the position hapa strong, each corner hapa was given the rope that was tied with the pin in the pond bank. “Tidak all hapa remained water, but was left be as high as 40—50 cm in the surface air,†said the chairman of the Forum for the Banyumas Gurami. The area could accommodate 5,000 seeds. Before the seed ditebar, put the bran mixture, the fish-meal, and the waste of the animal inside hapa. At intervals of a week daphnia, moina, and fitoplankton other will flood hapa. “Benih will grow optimal when the surrounding environment of much food alami,†revealed Triyanto. After the seed ditebar, above hapa was planted eceng the goitre as penahan the rain water. Moreover the root.The gurami cultivation was one of the efforts that could ditekuni. The value of gurami economics was high enough, better was compared by the other freshwater fish, like the fish Mas and the fish mujair. His profit was promising enough, could achieve three fold times from capital. One of the locations of the gurami cultivation was gotten in Sukabumi, West Java. One of the gurami farmers was Deni Rusmawan. To reach the location of the gurami cultivation in Sukabumi from Jakarta could go through the Jagorawi toll road, went out in the Ciawi toll-gate, then took the direction to the Sukabumi city, to be precise in Street Bhayangkara.The process of the gurami cultivation was in this place begun from the selection indukan, spawning, pendederan to the enlargement. Indukan the gurami was chosen that was more than three years old, and has been ripe gonads, so as to be ready for spawning. The condition is, male parent sperm and the female parent ovaries many and had a quality. Gurami spawning was carried out in the special pond. Every time one male mother could fertilise three female mothers. In this special pond was provided straw had the shape of the path, as the female parent nest. After a week was combined, the mother of the female gurami will lay eggs. The productive age of this gurami could reach 10 years. In this pond was maintained by the kind gurami soang and blue the sapphire. The two gurami kinds more kept towards the illness and the change in the extreme weather. The prospective gurami that was produced could have been marketed from the age two weeks to three weeks, with the measurement of two as far as three centimeter. His price revolved 400 through to 500 rupiah per the tail. The enlargement of the gurami was carried ou.Will be given ate three times a day. The dose of his food around three percent of heavy the fish body. Moreover was given additional food took the form of the taro leaves. The prospective gurami that was produced was sold to the farmer keramba in the Jatiluhur Reservoir and the Cirata Reservoir, West Java. Whereas the big gurami with the weight around half kilogram per the tail was marketed to the territory around Sukabumi, Banten and Jakarta. His price revolved 20 thousand through to 25 thousand rupiah per kilogram. To strengthen the gurami business, Deni gathered in the association of the cultivation and the gurami businessman se the Sukabumi Regency. Through this association, the gurami was produced by Deni's cultivation marketed as far as the area outside the Javanese Island, like Bali, NTB and Sulawesi.
The gurami was one of the prima donnas of the freshwater fish. His request was high enough, especially for consumption of the restaurant. His price that was quite stable in the market, revolved 22 thousand rupiah per kilogram, made the gurami often was cultivated by the farmer. The cultivation was carried out from the process of the germination to the enlargement. One of the locations of the gurami cultivation was gotten in the area of Kubang Sari, Banjar, West Java. To reach his location from Jakarta could be followed through the Cipularang toll road. Outside in the Cileunyi Toll-gate, the trip afterwards it was continued to the series city went through Ciamis, to be precise in the area of Kubang Sari. In this place the process of the gurami cultivation was carried out. Someone among them the Nugraha Yo-yo, that has menekuni these efforts since last 2000. The maintenance of the gurami was here carried out in the pond permanent, that his wall was made from cement. In the pond indukan this, was gotten by approximately 300 gurami that each one of his tails had heavy level – level 4 kilogram. Before being spawned, indukan the gurami was chosen that in the healthy and free condition the illness. The process of spawning was carried out in the special pond. For the measurement pond 10 square metre, could be filled up one tail of the mother of the male fish, and 4 tails of the mother of the female fish. That was important was paid attention to in maintaining the gurami, his water must be enough and clean. After 10 days were spawned, the mother of the gurami will lay eggs. His egg adhered to the palm fibre nest. The fish egg that became the larva, in moved in the plastic basin. After being increased for 40 to 50 days, the larva will develop by the fish doll that had the measurement 3 to 5 centimeter. The fish doll was increased in the permanent pond was as deep as 70 as far as 80 centimeter. After moving mature, the gurami could be given ate take the form of pellet. However in this place the gurami was given ate the foliage so as more natural and the pond did not smell. The gurami was ready to be marketed after being increased 4 till 6 months. His price around 22 thousand rupiah per kilogram. The gurami produced by the farmer's cultivation here was marketed to the restaurant - the restaurant in West Java and Central Java. The gurami often had an interest taken in him, because of his meat that was tender and was felt deliciously piquant when being eaten.
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