The Jelawat fish (Leptobarbus hoeveni) the original Indonesian fish was gotten dibeberapa the river in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Was the economical fish kind important really was enjoyed by the Indonesian community even several neighbouring countries. Including the potential export commodity. Despite the maintenance of the fish jelawat for a long time has been carried out but seed supplies fully still were relying on results of the capture of the public's waters that were done in the rain season. This fish kind multiplied in the river at the start musin rain, with the seed child was available seasonallly. Kaena the seed market only relied on results of the capture in the public's waters then not all that was guaranteed by his continuity so as this fish cultivation will be disrupted. Saw the aspect of the requirement for the seed that still was relying on nature then the command of germination technology jeni this fish was efforts that pelu diaktifkan. and this was the efforts opportunity that could produce the big profit.
The germination of the Jelawat Fish (Leptobarbus hoeveni) The method and Cara Pematangan Gonad * the Mother was maintained in the special pond measuring 500-700 m2 the dispersion 0.1-0.25 of kg/m2 * for the maintenance, the mother of the fish dibi food pelet with the content of protein of 25-28% * Food was given totalling 3 % from the weight with the frequency 2-3 per hari * Apart From pelet was given also food take the form of hijauan like the cassava leaves secukupnya * Old the maintenance of the mother approximately 8 bulan * the Mother who was ready pijah was received by means of seleksi Pemijahan Spawning jelawat could be carried out scara natural and artificial. In the package of this technology was carried out by artificial spawning.
The mother was selected necessary diberok for one hari.Penyuntikan the HCG hormone and the gland hipofisa against the female mother was carried out 2 kali the I Injecting (PI): 1 dose of the gland hipofisa was increased 200 IU HCG per the mother betin.Penyuntikan Ii (PII): 2 doses of the gland hipofisa was increased 300 IU per the female mother. The time hose between PI and PII, 5-6 jam.Ovulasi happened between 10-1 hours from PI.Telur and sperm were issued by means of diurut.Pembuahan the egg was done by mixing sperm and the egg in the plastic wash-basin. If the egg expanded was ready to be kept in the forum penetasan Penetasan.Padat tebar 400-500 items of the egg per liter.Selama the hatching of water must be maintained by his quality (O2 4-8 ppm; the pH 7.0-8.0; T:25-28 the level .Pada the temperature of water 25-28 C levels the egg will hatch 18-4 hours after The maintenance of the Larva * Larva was maintained directly ditempat the hatching of the egg of * Cangkang and the egg that did not hatch was cleaned in a penyiponan manner * Hari was to 3 larvae given Naupil Artemia food (that just hatched) adequate * Pemberian of food 3 times a day (the morning, the afternoon ,sore) * Hari to 7 after hatching the fish seed was ready to didederkan in the pond Pendederan * Persiapan for the pond covered drainage 2-3 days, the improvement of the dyke, the production of the middle channel (kamalir) and fertilising with uterus fertiliser totalling 500-700 gr per m2. The pond was filled up water until the height 80-100 cm. To the revenue channel was installed the filter take the form of hapa soft to avoid the entry of the wild fish * the Seed was spread 3 days after the filling of pond water densely the dispersion 100-150 of ekor/m2 * the fish Seed was given food took the form of debris flour pelet with the dose 10-20 % per the day that contained approximately 25% protein * Old the maintenance 2-3 weeks * the Seed that was produced by the measurement 2-3 cm and was ready to pendederan the continuation. The Jelawat fish (Leptobarbus hoeveni) the original Indonesian fish was gotten dibeberapa the river in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Was the economical fish kind important really was enjoyed by the Indonesian community even several neighbouring countries. Including the potential export commodity. Despite the maintenance of the fish jelawat for a long time has been carried out but seed supplies fully still were relying on results of the capture of the public's waters that were done in the rain season. This fish kind multiplied in the river at the start musin rain, with the seed child was available seasonallly. Kaena the seed market only relied on results of the capture in the public's waters then not all that was guaranteed by his continuity so as this fish cultivation will be disrupted. Saw the aspect of the requirement for the seed that still was relying on nature then the command of germination technology jeni this fish was efforts that pelu diaktifkan. and this was the efforts opportunity that could produce the big profit. The germination of the Jelawat Fish (Leptobarbus hoeveni) The method and Cara Pematangan Gonad * the Mother was maintained in the special pond measuring 500-700 m2 the dispersion 0.1-0.25 of kg/m2 * for the maintenance, the mother of the fish dibi food pelet with the content of protein of 25-28% * Food was given totalling 3 % from the weight with the frequency 2-3 per hari * Apart From pelet was given also food take the form of hijauan like the cassava leaves secukupnya * Old the maintenance of the mother approximately 8 bulan * the Mother who was ready pijah was received by means of seleksi.
Emijahan Spawning jelawat could be carried out scara natural and artificial. In the package of this technology was carried out by artificial spawning. * the Mother was selected necessary diberok for one day * the Injecting of the HCG hormone and the gland hipofisa against the female mother was carried out by 2 times * the I Injecting (PI): 1 dose of the gland hipofisa was increased 200 IU HCG per the female mother * the Injecting Ii (PII): 2 doses of the gland hipofisa was increased 300 IU per the female mother * the time Hose between PI and PII, 5-6 hours * Ovulation happened between 10-1 hours from PI * the Egg and sperm were issued by means of being massaged * egg Fertilisation was carried out by mixing sperm and the egg in the plastic wash-basin * If the egg expanded was ready to be kept in the forum for the hatching The hatching * Padat tebar 400-500 items of the egg per litre * Selama the hatching of water must be maintained kialitas him (O2 4-8 ppm; the pH 7.0-8.0; T:25-28 the C level) * Pada the temperature of water 25-28 C levels the egg will hatch
ada fb menunya ikan jelawat.....ih gede banget...gimana rasanya...