Preparations for the pond for the activity of spawning of the indigo fish in part peneplokan/perapihan the dyke so that the dyke does not leak, levelled the foundation of the pond with the slope headed to kemalir, cleaned the basin kobakan, closed the door to the issuing with paralon, the filter fitting in the door to revenue as well as the pond filling with water. The filter fitting was meant to avoid the entry of wild fish as the predator or the competitor that could influence the quantity produced by the production and the quality of the seed that was produced.
The maintenance and the Selection of the Mother
The mother was maintained in the special pond separately between male and female. Food that was given take the form of pellet with the content of protein 25%. The dose of giving of food totalling 3% per the weight biomas per the day. This food was given by 3 times/the day. The female fish that was selected could have been spawned after be aged 1.5 - 2 years with the weight >2 kg. Whereas the male mother was 8 months with the weight old > 0,5 kg. To distinguish male and female could be carried out with the road to massage the stomach to the side of the tail. If going out the white liquid from the gender hole, then this fish was male. The characteristics of the female fish that was ready pijah was: (simply)
the movement of the fish lambat * tonight often jumped-loncat * Perut grew/distended to the side of behind and if being felt was felt lunak * Lubang the anus rather swelled/stood out and was coloured kemerahan Whereas for the male fish issued sperm (the liquid was white) from the gender hole.
In spawning, the fish was stimulated by means of making the waters environment resemble the situation of the environment of the public's waters where this fish spawned naturally or with the hormone stimulus. In connection with that, then steps in fish spawning Mas was: * Mencuci dang drained the forum for spawning (the basin/the pond) * Mengisi the forum for spawning with water be as high as 75-100 cm * Memasang hapa to facilitate the larva harvest in the basin or in the pond with the measurement 4 x 3 x 1 metre. Hapa was supplemented with ballast in order to not float. * Memasang kakaban in the place pemihajan (in hapa). Kakaban could take the form of palm fibre that dijepit bamboo/the plank with the measurement 1,5 x 0,4 m.. * Memasukkan the male and female mother was ready pijah. The number of female mothers who was spawned depended on the requirement for the free seed hapa and the area of the pond that will be used in pendederan 1. The male parent weight was the same as the female mother but with the number that more of * Mengangkat the mother who spawned and memindahkann him to the maintenance pond.
The maintenance of the Larva
Kakaban was appointed 3 days after the egg hatched or after the larva did not cling in kakaban. Larva food took the form of the suspension of the egg yolk with the frequency 5 times per the day (one egg for 100,000 tails of the larva). Maintenance time of this larva for 5 days so as the larva has kept to ditebar in the pond.
The enlargement in KJA
The intensive enlargement system could be in part carried out in keramba the Apung Net that was normal was installed in the public's waters. The location election of the appointment of the net in a waters will be very supportive the process success of the production. Several characteristics of waters that were exact in part a) Water moved with the biggest flow, but not the strong flow, b) the Appointment of the net could be installed in line with the wind direction, c) the water Body was big enough and the area so as to be able to guarantee the stability of the quality of water, d) the Depth of minimal water could achieve the basic clearance of the net with the foundation of waters 1,0 metre, e) the Quality of supportive water the growth like the temperature of waters 270C until 300C, most protracted oxygen not less than 4,0 mg/l, and the brightness not less than 80 cm. One unit of Keramba Jaring Apung minimal consisted of the pocket of the net and the framework of the net. The dimension of the net unit have the shape of persegi four with the measurement of the pocket of the net 7 x 7 x 3 M3 or 6 x 6 x 3 M3. One unit of Keramba Jaring Apung consisted four sets of the pocket and one set consisted of two layers of the pocket of the Part of the net that entered in water of the pocket body 2,0 until 2,5 metre. The framework of the net was made could be made from the iron or bamboo and the buoy take the form of steerofoam or the drum. The pocket material of the net came from the Polietilena thread.The frequency of giving of minimal food twice per the day. Whereas the giving method of food so that effective was suggested used Feeding Frame that could be made from waring with mesh size 2,0 mm have the shape of persegi four measuring 1.0 smpai 2,0 m2. This implement in the pair in the body of the net of pocket water in the depth 30 until 50 cm from the surface of water. The location of this implement could in the middle of the pocket or in one of his corner.
Pembesaran di KAD
The maintenance of the fish Mas in the swift water reservoir must consider several matters including the location close to the source of water (the river, the irrigation, etc.. ) with the topography that enabled pond water could dikeringkan by means of gravitation, the quality of water that was used was of good quality and not dirtiest (the content of most protracted oxygen 6-8 ppm) and with the minimal water debit 100 litre /second. The form of the swift water reservoir of various sorts depended the condition for the land, could the triangle, round and oval. His measurement varied was adapted to the condition for the land and the funding capacity. Generally KAD measuring 10-100 m. 2 with the depth in general 1.0 - 1,5 metre. The wall of the pond was not eroded by the water current and the activity of the fish. Because of that must berkontruksi the wall or the layer of the plank. Really the pond must enable not the area died the current (the place where the waste settled). Because of that the slope of the pond must be appropriate (around 2 - 5 %). Solid tebar the measurement fish 75 -150 gram/the tail totalling 10 - 15 kg /m3 pond water. The dose of food that was given by as many as 4% weight biomass/the day. The frequency of his giving 3 times/the day.
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