The provisions of the seed that was high-quality in the number be enough and continued was the important factor towards the development of the cultivation of the consumption fish. Germination efforts were often carried out in the Magelang Regency, like in the Paremono Kecamatan Mungkid Village because of being supported by the availability of quite good water the dry season and rainy. Nearby that germination efforts were felt more rnenguntungkan because of time that was used relatively short approximately 3 weeks - 1 month, as well as his marketing then was easy. The germination of the fish tawes had several methods that is the germination of the fish in the pond, the germination in the paddy-field and the germination in hapa. The Pembenihan experience of the Tawes Fish in the pond that was done by MARZANI KTNA Paremono Mungkid evidently was pleasing enough.The implementation of the Germination in kolam 1. The Induk election To get the quality seed and the number that often in the Tawes germination must be chosen by the mother who was good with the characteristics: - the Location of the anus was located relative closer to the starting point ekor - the relative Head smaller and meruncing - Sisiknya was big and teratur - the broad tail Starting Point and kokoh - Generally the fish tawes male began to be spawned in the age approximately 1 year, and the mother tawes female in the age approximately 1.5 years. To know that the mother of the fish tawes was ripe gender and was ready to be spawned with signs as follows: A) the Mother betina Perutnya expanded to the side of genetal (the release) when being felt more lembek the Hole dubur coloured rather kemerah-merahan closed gills when being felt more licin if the stomach was massaged from the side of the head to the anus will go out the blackish liquid. Lnduk male When the stomach was massaged from arah the head will to the anus go out the liquid was whitish (sperm) close gills when being felt was felt rough 2. Preparations for the Pond The pond of fish spawning tawes at the same time being the hatching pond and the pond pendederan. Before being utilised for spawning, the pond dikeringkan. The improvement of the dyke and the foundation was of the pond made the channel memanjang (caren/kamalir) from water revenue to the side of the issuing of water in a wide manner 40 cm and the depth 20-30 cm. 3. The release of the Mother The mother of the fish tawes that was chosen to be spawned afterwards diberok, pemberokan with the appointment of the male and female mother separately for 4-5 days After diberok afterwards the mother of the fish was put into the spawning pond that was prepared parent Revenue to the pond at the time of water reached approximately 20 cm The Number Of mothers who was released by the female mother 25 tails and the male mother 50 tails in the afternoon approximately struck 16,00 water that entered the pond was enlarged so as the water current was swifter. Usually the mother of the fish tawes spawned in.The Telur hatching. After the mother of the fish tawes laid eggs, water that entered the pond was reduced so that eggs are not carried the flow, the hatching was carried out in the spawning pond juga in The Morning was checked when having eggs that rnenumpuk around the pond or the land part that was shallow was spread by swinging the broom lidi in the foundation kolam the fish Egg tawes usually hatched all after 2-3 hari from the fish produced by the hatching was maintained in this pond for approximately 21 days. 5. The results collection (the fish seed) The harvest was done in the morning day Menyurutkan/drained kolam After the seed was dikamalir/dicaren, the seed was caught with used waring or seser the Seed was accommodated hapa that was placed in the water channel flowed with the water current not deras the Seed lersebut the next one was maintained again in the pond pendederan atau was sold.
The hatching of the Egg. After the mother of the fish tawes laid eggs, water that entered the pond was reduced so that eggs are not carried the flow, the hatching was carried out in the spawning pond also in The Morning was checked when having eggs that rnenumpuk around the pond or the land part that was shallow was spread by swinging the broom lidi in the foundation of the pond of the fish Egg tawes usually hatched all after 2-3 days from the fish produced by the hatching was maintained in this pond for approximately 21 days. Pendederan At first the pond dikeringkan for 2-3 Improvement days of the dyke, the production caren/the basic channel of the pond was processed dicangkul, afterwards was fostered with Urea & SP 36 1 0 gr/m2 and manure 1 - 1.5 kg/m2 depended his fertility. After the pond was fostered afterwards was irrigated be as high as 2-3 cm and was left alone 2-3 days afterwards pond water was increased little by little until the depth 50 cm Afterwards the seed ditebar in the pond pendederan densely tebar 10-20 of ekor/m2 Pemeliharaan were done approximately 3 weeks - 1 month. Further could dipanen
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