The fish mujair was the kind of the fresh water of the consumption fish, the form of the body pipih with the grey, brown or black colour. This fish came from African waters. Therefore some in the Klaten area that to be precise in the Cokro Village, many in cultivated the Mujair Fish that in consumption personally and in sold to the Community. In the condition for the quite prospective market not many people that menekuni fisheries efforts mujair professionally and in an oriented manner commercial. Then although his request quite high, fish bargaining mujair still was felt to be slow. As a result, although to comply with the local and regional request, the fish market mujair still was open wide.
To prepare the prospective fish mujair that will be maintained, must be paid attention to by matters of the provisions of the maintenance media, the election and the maintenance of the mother, the hatching and the condition for the seed, the characteristics of the seed and the superior mother. ? The Induk Ciri election of the mother of the seed mujair that was superior at being as follows: A. Could produce the seed in the number that was big with the high quality. B. His growth was very fast. C. Really was responsive to artificial food that was given. D. Resisten towards the pest attack, the parasite and the illness. E. Could live and grow good in the relatively bad waters environment. F. The measurement of the mother who was good for was spawned that is 100 gram more per his tail. As for the characteristics to distinguish the male mother and the female mother was as follows:
Gotten 3 holes in urogenetial that is: the anus, lubang the issuing of the egg and the urine hole. - the Tip of coloured fins reddish pale unclear. - the Colour of the stomach was whiter. - the Colour of the white chin. - If the stomach distriping did not issue the liquid.
To the implement urogenetial was gotten 2 holes that is: the anus and lubang sperm doubled as the urine hole. - the Tip of coloured fins reddish obviously and clear. - the Colour of the stomach was darker/blackish.
The pest
Bebeasan (Notonecta) was dangerous for the seed because of his sting. The control: poured kerosene to the surface of water 500 cc/100 square metre. 2. Ucrit (the Larva cybister) Menjepit the fish body with taring him through to torn. The control: was difficult to be combatted; avoided the organic matter menumpuk around the pond. 3. The Makan frog the egg of the fish egg. The control: often threw the egg that floated away; menagkap and throw away alive. 4. The Menyerang snake the seed and the small fish. The control: carried out the capture; pemagaran the pond. 5. The eat otter the fish tonight. Pengendalian:pasang the trap berum also. 6. Memakan birds the coloured seed was on like red, yellow. The control: was given the obstacle to bamboo in order to be difficult pounce on; was given rumbai-rumbai or the obstacle rope. The illness generally matters that were done to be able to prevent the illness emergence and the pest in the fish cultivation mujair: a. Basic drainage of the pond in an orderly fashion every time was finished the harvest. B. The maintenance of the fish that really free the illness. C. Avoid the dispersion of the fish excessively exceeded the capacity. D. The ideal system of water revenue was parallel, each pond.
The harvesting of the fish mujair could be carried out by means of: the total harvest and the harvest some. 1. The harvest some or the selective harvest the selective Harvest was done without pond drainage, the fish that would dipanen was chosen with the certain measurement (for the harvesting of the seed). The measurement of the seed that would dipanen (the age 1-1.5 months) depends on the consumer's request, generally was classed for the measurement: 1-3 cm; 3-5 cm and 5-8 cm. The harvesting was carried out with used waring that above was sprinkled bait (bran). The fish that was not chosen (usually was wounded resulting from the net), before being returned to the pond better be separated and given medicine with the solution malachite green 0,5-1,0 ppm for 1 hour. 2. The total harvest Generally the total harvest was done to catch/memanen the fish produced by the enlargement. Generally the age of the fish mujair that dipanen revolved between 5 months seriously revolving between 30-45 gram/the tail. The total harvest was done by means of draining the pond, through to the height of water remained 10-20 cm. The piece of the harvesting/the piece of the capture was made measuring 1 square m in front of the door to the issuing (monnik), so as
Post-harvestThe post-harvest handling of the fish mujair could be carried out by means of the handling of the living fish and the fresh fish. 1. The handling of the living fish sometimes this consumption fish is more expensive his price when being sold in the living situation. The matter that must be paid attention to so that this fish down to the consumer in the living situation, fresh and healthy in part: 1. In the transport used water that bersuhu low around 20 C. levels 2. Transport time preferably in the morning or in the afternoon. 3. The number of densities of the fish in the transport implement was not too solid. 2. The handling of the fresh fish the fresh Fish Mas was the fast product descended his quality. The matter that must be paid attention to to maintain the freshness in part: 1. The capture must be carried out carefully so that fish not the wound. 2. Before being packed, the fish must be washed so that clean and mucus. 3. The forum for the carrier must be clean and was closed. For the transport of the short distance (2 trip hours), could be used the basket that was covered with the bananas leaves/plastic. For the transport of the long distance was used the box.
the fish Seed must be chosen that was healthy that is free from the illness, the parasite and not flawed. After that, the fish seed was just put into the pocket of plastic (the system was closed) or keramba (the system was open). Water that was used by the transport media must be clean, healthy, free the pest and the illness as well as the organic matter lai him. For example could be used well water that has diaerasi overnight. Before being carried the fish seed must diberok beforehand for several days. Use the place pemberokan took the form of the basin that contained clean water and with good aeration. The basin pemberokan could be made with the measurement 1 m. x 1 m. or 2 m. x 0,5 m.. With this measurement, the basin pemberokan could accommodate the fish seed Mas an amount 5000–6000 the tail with the measurement 3-5 cm. The number of seeds in pemberokan must be adapted to the measurement of his seed. # Be Based On old/the distance of the sending, the transport system of the seed was divided into two parts, that is:
the System was open was carried out to carry the seed in the short distance or not need a long time. The transport implement take the form of keramba. Every time keramba could be filled up clean water 15 litre and was able to carry approximately 5000 tails of the measurement seed 3-5 cm. # the System was closed was carried out for the transport of the long-distance seed that needed spare time from 4-5 hours, used the pocket of plastic. The volume of the transport media consisted of clean water 5 litre that was given buffer Na2 (hpo) 4.1H2O totalling 9 gram. The packaging method of the fish seed that was transported by the pocket of plastic: 1. Put clean water into the pocket of plastic afterwards the seed; 2. Eliminate air by pressing the pocket of plastic to the surface of water; 3. Channel oxygen from the tube was channelled to the pocket of plastic totalling 2/3 the volume of the cavity whole (air:oksigen=1:1); 4. The pocket of previous plastic was tied. 5. The pocket of plastic was put into the carton with the position lie alongside or was lulled. The carton that have a length of 0,50 m., wide 0,35 m., and high 0,50 m. could be filled up 2 Several matters that must be paid attention to after the seed arrived in the destination were as follows: 1. Prepare the solution tetrasiklin 25 ppm in the wash-basin (1 capsule tertasiklin in 10 litre clean water). 2. Open the pocket of plastic, added clean water that came from the local pond little by little so that the change in the temperature of water in the pocket of plastic happens slowly. 3. Move the fish seed to the wash-basin that contained the solution tetrasiklin for 1-2 minutes. 4. Input of the fish seed in the basin pemberokan. In the basin pemberokan the fish seed was given adequate food. Moreover, was carried out by medical treatment with tetrasiklin 25 ppm while 3 days were endless. Apart from tetrsikli also could be used other medicine like KMNO4 totalling 20 ppm or formalin totalling 4% for 3-5 minutes. 5. After 1 week dikarantina, tebar the fish seed in the cultivation pond.The picture of the agribusiness Opportunity
With the existence of the public's waters of the area in Indonesia that consisted of the river, the swamp, the nature lake and artificial measuring almost approaching 13 million ha was the potential for nature that was very good for the development of fisheries efforts in Indonesia. By that of many potentials for the other supporter who was carried out by the government and private enterprise in the matter of capitalisation, the research program in the matter of the germination, the handling of the illness and the pest and the post-harvest handling, the handling of the cultivation as well as the existence of the ease in the matter periizinan import. Although the request in tingkal the local market would the fish mujair and the other freshwater fish always experienced the rise and fall, but was seen from the amount of sales revenue on average always experienced the rise from the year to the year. If the local market the fish mujair experienced the sluggishness, then will be very influential towards the good selling price in the level of the farmer and in the level of the wholesaler in the fish market. Moreover the sale of the fish seed mujair might be said almost did not have the problem, his prospect quite good. Apart from the existence of the potential for the supporter and the request factor .
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