Semarang – the Karimun Island apart from having the attraction of the sea tour, also contained the fauna wealth of sea that was counted rare. Two including being penyu the scale (Eretnochelys imbricata) and Napoleon's fish wrasse (Chelinus undulatus). As the rare animal both of them were protected by the regulation. Napoleon's fish wrasse, for example, was forbidden to be arrested was based on Agriculture Minister's Certificate of No 375/Kpts/IK.250/5/1995, on May 16 1995 about the Ban on Fishing Napoleon Wrasse. Although in the available regulation firmly has been stated that the capture might be only carried out was limited for the research activity, capture efforts of two faunas of the sea illegally continued to be carried out by the fisherman in the Karimun Island. This happened because both of them had the very high economical value. Against penyu the scale, the fisherman not only caught penyu this to be taken his meat. They in fact look for and took eggs penyu this. Meat and the egg penyu this economically quite valuable high so as the hunting increasingly the day increasingly raged. Usually, the hunting increasingly grew worse when the high wave season came around December till January. The fisherman was convinced at the time of like that many penyus the scale that ran to the land so as to be easy to be arrested. Although in the available regulation firmly has been stated that the capture might be only carried out was limited for the research activity, capture efforts of two faunas of the sea illegally continued to be carried out by the fisherman in the Karimun Island. This happened because both of them had the very high economical value. On the other hand, the extinction threat that blocked the existence penyu the scale not only came from the fishermen. It was more serious, the threat now precisely comes from his habitat personally. The existence of the felling of the mangrove forest (mangrove) that was carried out by the local farmer also to the growth threat and the development penyu the scale. Not only that, the existence of the pollutant that came from the ship that through and stopped over also threatened the existence penyu the scale in Karimun. The pollutant reduced the quality of sea water as the habitat penyu the scale. As a result, apart from his development was hindered, they also bemigrasi to safer waters. The same incident was also experienced by Napoleon's fish wrasse. The economical value that was high became the reason why the fauna of this rare sea became the hunting prima donna of the fisherman. Napoleon's fishing wrasse in Karimun in fact has alarmed at the same time endangering his growth. They have used the implement caught that was not environment-friendly that as a result not only threatened Napoleon's conservation wrasse, but rather the scope of sea there. To facilitate the capture, the fisherman used the compressor to mengempos the bomb. The use of the bomb in fact not only threatened big fish, like Napoleon wrasse. Small fish and the other sea biota like coral also will die because of poison that was produced this bomb. If coral died, other coral fish will also die. A mass murder of living creatures in sea indeed was taking place. Faced the condition, the Kelautan Service and Central Javan fisheries began to act. Through a team of the Peningkatan Project and the Development of the Kecil islands, breeding efforts have begun to be cleared. The team's two members, Ir Fendiawan and Ir Arif Rahman Justice, to SH said, his side has provided the land measuring one hectare to menangkar the two species. This land was located in the Menjangan Besar Island in the Island of Karimun Java. As the place of breeding, dilahan this will be built keramba-keramba as the residence penyu the scale and Napoleon's fish wrasse. Both of them admitted, his side rather late anticipated the extinction penyu the scale and Napoleon's fish in the Karimun Island. The project just began this coming June. According to them that happened because uptil now did not yet have the fund from the government to carry out breeding. ”Proyek this his fund came from APBD Central Java the year 2001/2002,” Fendiawan words. He said, his side currently prepares the implementation of this project with an amount of field work. Then not surprised if currently they more.To menangkar penyu the scale, said Fendiawan, his side was carrying out the approach with two local fishermen who currently try menangkar simply. The two fishermen were Joko and Aeni. Simply, both of them already menangkar six tails penyu the scale. They not only maintained the six mothers penyu this scale, but also hatched his eggs with the simple implement artificial simple. The smart step was carried out by them with knowledge provisions that were owned by them. Although both of them claimed to be the fisherman, but they were the Scholar the graduate's fisheries Undip Semarang. ”Kalau Mr Joko and Aeni uptil now menangkar penyu the scale only because of the hobby, we will increase him better again. Both through the supervision and giving of food that more baik,”kata Fendiawan. Arif was Rahman Justice will continue, in the breeding project later, both of them will be asked to gather. Because of perseverance and their experience during menangkar that the implementation uptil now was very valuable for the development of this project. Furthermore, the local fishermen will also be involved. In the breeding land the growth penyu the scale will more be guaranteed. Because apart from in the supervision, we will also give better food so as his growth of terjaga,”kata Arif. About the egg penyu, he said, although uptil now the egg penyu hatched because of nature and without the human interference, that could be done with the artificial hatching. The artificial hatching it was hoped more often will produce the child penyu (tukik) because the threat could be from nature reduced. After the egg succeeded in being hatched, afterwards some tukik will come back was released to sea. The same thing will also be done against the fish Napoleon Wrasse. Although breeding of this rare fish kind has been carried out by various sides, his success still far from that was hoped for. At least from 12 Hall projects of Budidaya Air Payau/Loka Budaya that tried to carry out breeding, not yet any that was successful well. Breeding efforts penyu the scale and Napoleon's fish wrasse in the Karimun Island in the context was wider, said Fendiawan, was to create the environment-friendly tourist attraction (ecotourism). Parallel as the tourist attraction, on the other side of conservation efforts of the environment and various available species also was carried out. (SH/Yudi wijanarko)
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