Roses were the crop a mother from Rosa's genus at the same time the name of the flower that was produced this crop. Wild roses that consisted more than 100 species most grew in the northern hemisphere that berudara cool. The species of roses generally is the crop a thorny mother or the climbing crop that the height could reach 2 until 5 metre. Although rarely was met, high the roses crop that crept in the other crop could reach 20 metre. Most species had the leaves that the length between 5-15 cm, two-two contradictory (pinnate). The compound leaves that each stem of the leaves consisted of at least 3 or 5 as far as 9 or 13 leaves children and the support leaves (stipula) have the shape of oval, pertulangan menyirip, the bank bank beringgit, meruncing on the end the leaves and was thorny to the stick that was close to the land. Roses actually not the tropical crop, most species merontokkan all of his leaf and only several available species in South-East Asia that always had green leaves year roun.The flower consisted of 5 sheets of the crown leaves with Rosa's exception sericea that only had 4 sheets of the crown leaves. The colour of the flower is usually white and pink or yellow and red to several species. The ovaries was at the bottom of the crown leaves and the leaves kelopak.n big the species had the leaves that the length between 5-15 cm, two-two contradictory (pinnate). The compound leaves that each stem of the leaves consisted of at least 3 or 5 as far as 9 or 13 leaves children and the support leaves (stipula) have the shape of oval, pertulangan menyirip, the bank bank beringgit, meruncing on the end the leaves and was thorny to the stick that was close to the land. Roses actually not the tropical crop, most species merontokkan all of his leaf and only several available species in South-East Asia that always had green leaves year round. The flower produced the aggregate (developed from one flower by many putik) that was acknowledged as Rose hips. Respectively putik developing to one single (achene), whereas the collection single was wrapped meat to the exterior. The species with the flower that was open wide more invited the arrival of the bee or other insects that helped pollination so as to tend to produce more. Roses produced by breeding produced the flower that his crown leaves closed the meeting so as to cause difficulties for pollination. Some roses were red with several exceptions like Rosa pimpinellifolia that produced was purple dark through to black. To several species like Rosa canina and Rosa rugosa produced Rose hips that really was rich in vitamin C in fact including among the source of richest natural vitamin C. Rose hips was liked by the eater's birds that helped the spreading of the roses seed with the waste that was dismissed. Several birds kinds like Finch birds also ate roses seeds.
Generally roses had the thorn have the shape of like the hook that functioned as the grip when climbing other plants. Several species that grew wild in the land berpasir in the area of the coast like Rosa rugosa and Rosa pimpinellifolia adapted to the straight thorn as the needle that possibly had a function of reducing damage as a result of being eaten by the animal, kept sand that was flown the wind and protected the root of the erosion. Although being protected the thorn, deer apparently not frightened and often damaged the roses crop. Several species of roses had the thorn that did not develop and not sharply. Roses could be infected by several illnesses as leaves rust that was the illness was most serious. His cause was the Phragmidium mushroom mucronatum that caused kerontokan the leaves. The illness that was not so dangerous as Mildew Flour was caused the Sphaerotheca mushroom pannosa, whereas the Spotty Hitam illness that was marked by the very spotty emergence black to the leaves as a result of by the Diplocarpon mushroom rosae. Roses also were food for the larva of several Lepidoptera species.
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