Jasmine was the flower crop decorated took the form of the shrub berbatang erect that lived chronic. In Indonesia, one of the jasmine kinds was made the national symbol that is white jasmine (Jasminum sambac) because his flower was connected with various bang traditions of many ethnic groups in this country. The other kind that also popular was gambir (J. officinale). In Indonesia the name of jasmine was known by the community all over the Indonesian Archipelago territory. Vernacular names for jasmine were Menuh (Bali), Meulu cut or Meulu China (Aceh), Menyuru (Banda), Jasmine (Gayo and Batak Karo), Manduru (Menado), Mundu (Bima and Sumbawa) and Manyora (Timor), as well as Malete (Madura). In Italia, jasmine casablanca (Jasminum officinalle), that was acknowledged as Spanish Jasmine was buried in 1692 to be made perfume. In 1665 in England was cultivated white jasmine (J. sambac) that was introduced by Casimo de Medici Duke. In 1919 was found J. jasmine parkeri in the region Indian Barat Laut, Kemudian was cultivated in England during 1923. The jasmine apart from being useful as the flower scattered, the mixed material or pengharum tea, jasmine was also known as the material of the perfume industry, cosmetics, perfume, the pharmacy, and the series decorator of the flower. That Was based on the data of agricultural statistics, the cultivation of the jasmine crop in the Boat territory that was spread in Kab. The stick, Kab. Pekalongan, Kab. Pemalang and Kab. The field widely the land was endless as follows; ± 140 Ha, ± 380 Ha, ± 780 Ha and ± 400 Ha, widely the total spread planting land diwilayah 4 (four) the regency as big as 1.700 Ha. The productivity in general per the day ± 25 kg per hektar So results reaped the jasmine per the day in the territory of Sapta Mitra Pantai Utara (Kab. The stick, Kab. Pekalongan, Kab. Pemalang and Kab. The field) was ± 42.500 kg or 42,5 ton. As the producer of the biggest jasmine in the north coastal territory, normal only jasmine plantations sold in the form of the luxuriant jasmine or take the form of roncean, because of not yet having the company that could produce “Minyak Jasmine (Essential Jasmine Oil) ”, not only in the territory of Sapta Mitra Pantai Utara, but until this in Indonesia did not yet have the producer of jasmine oil. That was the reason then the price of the jasmine was very fluctuating, where the harvest/reaped when his price dry season could reach Rp. 10,000.- s.d. Rp. 15,000.- per kg, but reaped at the time of the season hujuan his price only Rp. 2,500 s.d. Rp. 3,500.- per kg. After being reaped, the jasmine will be fast withered and not again fresh. However Santoso and Hidayat had the special trick to overcome this problem, so as to be able to market him down to foreign countries. Fisamawati Jasmine or the other term jasminum sambac including decorative plants that could live for years. His stick that was erect as well as had the coloured flower white cute and fragrant, often was used for various requirements. The jasmine was useful as the flower scattered, the material of the perfume industry, cosmetics, perfume, the pharmacy, the series decorator of the flower and the mixed material or pengharum tea. Jasmine could then blossom year round as well as grew fertile to the land that was loose with the height around 600 or 800 metre on sea level, provided that getting enough sun rays. Jasmine could be grown by means of the cutting. New buds then will appear after aged around 6 weeks. This condition that formed the background of Santoso to cultivate the jasmine until becoming the promising business. Began with hereditary efforts of his two parents processed the jasmine plantation in this north coastal coast, triggered Santoso and his partner Hidayat-colleague to make this plantation the business land. not many that glanced at the jasmine cultivation. The difficulty in his marketing then took part in becoming the main hindrance. As is known, the jasmine when being reaped will be fast withered even rotten. How if not the behaviour was sold? ,” said Santoso illustrated the business that was involved in by him. However this hindrance did not withdraw Santoso and Hidayat. Had a supply of educations and his experiences, duo the man succeeded in sending the flower down to the destination without experiencing damage, in fact for his customer that overseas even. “Untuk the outside marketing of the area and foreign countries, we used the package system box. The jasmine in box was given the ice cooler in order to maintains the freshness so as the condition for jasmine continue to like when just dipetik,” revealed Hidayat. With the sending system used box, currently the jasmine rules over the Singaporean country, Malaysia and several other countries. then whether the superiority with the application of the sale with box? “Melati in box this could remain in a period of three days in fact more. Afterwards special flowers box was the best quality that was chosen in a selektif,” manner clear Santoso the alumnus UPN Veteran Jogjakarta. However for the fulfilment of supplies of drink factories have material the foundation of jasmine, his quality indeed not be the same. Usually, the flower that was offered not all of them in the good condition. “Kebutuhan his characteristics factory every day for the smoothness of the process of his production. So that became the priority was the procurement of this flower so that not kosong,” more Hidayat. With the superiority of the jasmine that could the harvest a day twice that is the morning and in the afternoon, made jasmine supplies never not all that or was finished. So as the smoothness of this business need not be then doubted. “Biasa him, the condition for jasmine was influenced by the rainfall. If the rain season then the condition for jasmine jelek,” I Hidayat that diamini Santoso. Santoso then said, badly the quality of the flower had directly an impact with the price level of the sale. “Setiap his day the price of jasmine had not been stable. But usually we sold with the range of the price Rp.17.000,- above per kilogramnya,” he explained. Whereas for the sale with the sending used box, they defined the price between Rp.100 thousand and Rp. 200 thousand per box. However, the price level of the sale of the jasmine then occasionally was carried out with the auctioning system. When stock of the jasmine already a little whereas the ordering increased then was put into effect by the most expensive price. “Ketika stock diminished then the auctioning diberlakukan,” I Hidayat that was 26 years old this. With several hindrance factors in undertaking this jasmine business, they say usually the profit that was taken per kilogram him between Rp 1.000-Rp 2,000. However for the flower box, not more than 20 percent. Was interested?
The jasmine for the Health His fragrant jasmine was typical, indeed really was liked by many people, especially the woman. However apart from fragrant his flower that tempted, jasmine also had the usefulness to help cured the illness. Plants that had the name latin Jasminum Sambac or also often disebutl Jasmine this could berkhasiat helped cured breathless, had a headache, was sick the eyes, the fever, the swelling because of the bee sting and even also could help controlled HEED that often went out excessively. His instruction was as follows: Crowded napas the Material: 20 sheets of the jasmine leaves and salt secukupnya the Instruction: this material was boiled with 3 water glasses until boiled until there remained 2 glasses and was refined. The instruction: ditempel around breasts, each morning before bathing. The swelling resulting from the leaves attack lebah the Material: 1 flower fist melati the Instruction: this material was squeezed-squeezed until halus the Instruction: ditempel in the part that was stung by the bee. Stopped ASI that went out berlebihan the Material: 1 leaves fist melati the Instruction: this material was ground halus the Instruction: ditempel around breasts, each morning before mandi .The swelling resulting from the leaves attack lebah the Material: 1 flower fist melati the Instruction: this material was squeezed-squeezed until halus the Instruction: ditempel in the part that was stung by the bee. Stopped ASI that went out berlebihan the Material: 1 leaves fist melati the Instruction: this material was ground halus the Instruction: ditempel around breasts, each morning before bathing. Be sick the eyes (the red eyes or the can) the Material: 1 leaves fist melati the Instruction: this material was ground halus the Instruction: ditempel to the forehead, if already dry was replaced just, repeated until recovered .The fever and was sick kepala the Material: 1 fist of the jasmine leaves, 10 flowers melati the Instruction: this material was squeezed-squeezed with the hands, afterwards was soaked with water in rantang. The instruction: water rendaman this was used for the compress dahi Crowded napas the Material: 20 sheets of the jasmine leaves and salt secukupnya the Instruction: this material was boiled with 3 water glasses until boiled until there remained 2 glasses and was refined. The instruction: ditempel around breasts, each morning before bathing .
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